Chapter 27

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*couple hours later*

“AWW that’s no fair!!! You cheated!!!” Dawn says whining after she lost again in Mario Kart.

“How can you cheat in a Wii game?” I ask defensively.

“I don’t know… but you did.” Dawn says pointing her finger at me. I roll my eyes.

“So what should we play now?” I ask looking around at the girls all sprawled out on the couches and bean bag chairs. “Let’s play Just Dance!” All the girls jump up and start twirling around. I get up and put it in. After about 5 songs we’re pretty tired, it’s a lot of work when you actually do the moves. We cook dinner and by ‘we’ I mean Arabell, Liz and Dawn since they refuse to let me help.

“Well I’m gonna head to bed. Got a big day tomorrow.” Liz says yawning loudly which causes us all to yawn. We race each other up the stairs and into our rooms and we turn in for the night.

*Thursday morning*

I yawn and stretch sitting up in my bed. I get up put on my slippers and head downstairs when I hear the doorbell. I walk over to the door sleepily only realizing I’m in my pajamas when I actually have the door open and am looking at a very cute, blonde delivery man.

“Package for Miss… Anabell Hagel.” He says looking back up to me. I nod and he hands me a clip board to sign. He smiles as he hands me the package. “I like your slippers.” I look down at my little kitty slippers and smile.

“Thanks.” He waves and turns back. I close the door and head over to the couch with Lily playing with my feet all the way. I curl up and rip the tape off and open up the box. Inside I find a letter and an MP3 player. I open up the letter and it reads.

Dear Anabell,

So I heard that you can’t start recording my song for quite a while so I decided I could at least send you a rough draft of it to get you started. Inside this letter are the lyrics for One Love and on the MP3 player is the beat of it just to help you kind of get a feel for it. I know you’ll be great and absolutely rock the song.

Much love,

Taylor <3

‘Oh my gosh I just got a letter directly from Taylor Swift!!! AHHH!!!!’ I open the envelope wider and find the lyrics. I then decide I might as well start working on it so I pull out the MP3 player and play the one and only track on it. I start reading through the lyrics getting a feel for it and by the third time through I’ve already got it pretty down. I get up and start dancing around singing along with it picking up a few things here and there.

It’s the little things you do that makes this love sink in.

I can not be without you don’t let the light grow dim.

This Love, One Love

Can take away the pain.

One Love, Our Love

Can keep me here to stay

Even when you turn away.

This Love, Our Love

Can bring a brighter day.

And I know there will be a day

When One Love will turn into Forever.

“OH MY GOD!!!! I LOVEE THAT SONG!!!! IT’S INCREDIBLE!!” I turn around and see Arabell jumping up and down clapping.

“I know right! I love it too!!” I say smiling down at Lily who is now watching Arabell carefully.

“Is that the song Taylor Swift wrote called One Love??” I nod. “OH MY GOSH!!!!” We decide to take that moment to jump up and down and fan girl a bit. She looks over at the package on the coffee table and walks over to it. She picks up the letter and starts reading it. “Taylor Swift sent you a personalized letter!! AND you get to sing her song!! Seriously this is the best trip EVER!!!”

“I know right!!!! AHHHH!!!” We jump up and down a bit more until Arabell decides she’s hungry and heads into the kitchen for breakfast.

“I think we need more food…” Arabell says opening the fridge and finding we are out of milk and well everything.

“Alright let’s go shopping.” We head upstairs to get dressed for a trip to the grocery store.

*About an hour or so later*

“Ughh I’m soo hungry!! Let’s get this, and this… oh and these.” Arabell says piling food into the cart.

“Arabell, Sweetie I don’t think we need this much food.” I say gesturing to all the food she has piled in in the course of 15 minutes flat.

“Yes we doooo… I’m so hungry and tired of not eating all day like we used to.” I roll my eyes, grab some Cheez-Its and toss them into the cart.

“Oh My Gosh!! Are you Anabell and Arabell??” I turn around and see a teenage girl probably about Dawn’s age looking at us wide-eyed and hopeful. We nod. “Can I have your autograph?”

“Sure.” She comes over to us and we give her our autographs and before we know it we are surrounded by Directioners asking for pictures and autographs and we do as much as we can before we decide we need to continue our grocery shopping.

“Well that was fun.” Arabell says dancing about as we walk down the cereal aisle. I smile and nod because it actually was pretty fun I’d never thought people would ever actually want my autograph. We head up to the cash register and pay for the food with the credit card that Harry left me and head to the car that Harry left me to use while we was away. ‘God he’s such an amazing boyfriend… wait… scratch that, fiancé. Ahh I love the way that just rolls off the tongue.’ We finally get home and end up having to have brunch because it’s already 1pm. I call mom and dad while we’re cooking so they don’t make us go home because we haven’t called them. We finish making the food and head over to the couch and just lounge around for the rest of the day until Liz and Dawn get back. ‘I wonder how the boys are doing?’

**Author's note: Hello lovelies :) So i got the next chapter down :DD yayy sorry the boys aren't really in this one but they will most likely be in the next one. I actually wrote that little bit of the song One Love and i also made a Single cover for it which i will hopefully be able to post. Thanks soo much for reading this it means a lot seriously <3 Comment, vote fan if you'd like :)


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