Chapter 3

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Me and my sister head into the mall and if it looked big on the outside it was by far bigger on the inside.

“Wowww!!!” I say baffled.

“Where should we begin?” Arabell asks as she’s already inching towards the 1D store. I look over at her and smile and we both take off towards it. “Oh my gosh they have their dolls and posters and books and t-shirts.”

“I think I died and went to heaven!”

“I know right!! Hey you should get the Niall and Liam dolls since we actually found them.”

“Yeah but the money is supposed to be for an outfit.”

“They never said all of it…” My sister gets this devilish look in her eyes.

“Okay fine but just this.”

“Ok!” Arabell says as she prances over to the counter and I pay the cashier. “So how many times does this make that you’ve actually held a hundred dollar bill?”

“Twice.” I say worried that someone might think we stole it. We head out of the store and I happen to see something sparkling across the aisle. I take a step closer, accidentally bumping into a really cute guy. “I’m so sorry that was my fault.”

“No it was mine this little phone is so addicting you’re always looking down instead of actually seeing all the beautiful ladies like yourself.” He says in the adorable British accent I wish I had.

“Those silly silly phones.” I say as I head towards the other side of the mall with Arabell close behind.

“MAN!! That boy was CUTEE!! What you looking at?”

“This ring I’ve seen it before. Excuse me miss, can you tell me how much that ring is?”

“Yes that ring is 2,500 pounds.”

“And how much would it be engraved?”

“3,000.” She says and Arabell whistles.

“How many have you actually sold?” I question.

“Just one.”

“Who did you sell it to I might ask?”

“I don’t think I’m allowed to tell you that information.”

“Well I’m pretty sure I already know who so you wouldn’t be flat out telling me…”

“Harry Styles.” She whispers.

“That’s what I thought, thanks.”

“No problem.” She says with a smile. And we walk away.

“How did you know Harry Styles bought that ring?” Arabell questions once we are far enough away.

“Well I kind of saw him with it last night and I read the engraving and it said, ‘I’ll always love you, Anabell -Harry’.”

“What?!?! No flippin way!!!”

“I know right?! But it confused me because we had only met that day so there was no way it could be about me right?”

“Well you still are the only Anabell I know.”

“Yeah but there has to be SOMEONE else.”

“Not necessarily. Face it Anabell, Harry LIKESS you!!!” Arabell teases and I stop dead in my tracks. Arabell turns back and looks where I am looking. “Oh my God! Anabell that dress was MADE for you.” Arabell screams as she pulls me along into the store to find the most gorgeous dress I have ever seen. She finds the one in the window gets my size and pushes me into the dressing room. I pull on the dress and can not believe how incredible it is. It is a bright blue with sequins and jewels all down the front, it hits at just about my knee and has the cutest bow in the back, it’s tighter up top and flows just right from the waist and I am absolutely in love with it… until I see the price. I come out of the dressing room to show Arabell.

“Oh my goodness that dress was made for you!!”

“Yeah but the price isn’t. It’s 300 pounds!” I complain.

“So Anabell this dress is wayy worth it and you’re getting it! End of discussion!”


“No we’re getting it.”

“Then there won’t be much left for you…”

“That’s fine I have plenty of dresses in my luggage. Go on and change, we’re getting the dress!” I head into the dressing room and change out of it. I am then pulled to the counter where the cashier lady rings it up and I unhappily (sort of) hand over the cash.

“So where to next?” And just as I say this I see that Arabell is already heading towards the shoe store drawn to the cutest shoes I have ever seen. She finally gets there and reaches out to touch them but unfortunately there is glass in the way.

“Anabell, I think I’m in love.” I smile at how silly Arabell is when it comes to shoes.

“Ok sweetie,” I say pulling her into the store “Let’s go get you your new lovers.” Arabell smiles as she heads directly to them and immediately pulls out her size and walks to the counter. “Arabell we need to see how much they are first.”

“No it’s ok they’re on sale.” The cashier smiles at us, mostly Arabell who is now hugging the box.

“Ok ring us up.” I say as Arabell places the box down but only for a second before she pulls them back and hugs them again. I laugh to myself.

“What?!” Arabell wonders.

“It’s just that this looks a lot like when we found the Harry Styles doll in Walmart and were hugging them all through the store looking for the others.” Both of us start cracking up and end up sitting on the floor because we are laughing so hard. I finally catch my breath and look down at my watch. “So, how long do you think the boys’ meetings going to be?” I question.

“I have no idea…”

***Author's note: So I'm thinking that i will write the next chapter at night and post it in the morning except for some exceptions like tonight Since i might not be on tomorrow :) Hope you like it

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