Chapter 1

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"Come on sister we really gotta go before mom and dad get back."

"I know I'm hurrying." I said to my (barely) little sister, Arabell. So let me explain a bit, we aren't running away or anything we planned this, sort of, with our parents and we are heading off to London today, finally. I walk out of my room bags in my hand and find Arabell taping her toes and fixing her hair and makeup in the hallway mirror... like always. "You ready?"

"Yes! I was born ready." My sister explains. We grab all our bags (which aren't much) and our tickets off the counter and head out to my car. We're driving down the highway passing much of what we might miss but we are incredibly excited to be leaving. We get to the airport and get through security but of course not without a few second glances. People seem to find it strange that we are twins but that we look (to them) so different. I have red hair, brown eyes and am quite pale whereas Arabell is blonde, with green eyes and a tan. So I guess we are a little different but what is the same is how we act, the fact that we both have glasses, are about the same height and that we like the same things, for instance One Direction. Yes I know One Direction ARE in London but that's only part of why we're going there the other is to see the world and explore that area first hopefully finding a house to buy. See all the sights and what it's like in other places we're kind of country girls so there's hasn't always been much to look at... mainly boys.

"We will now be descending to our final destination London, England."

"AHHHH!!!!!!" Me and Arabell both scream but are quickly shushed by the other passengers which sends us into a fit of giggles.

"I can't believe..."

"We're here!" My sister finishes for me. We both look at each and smile as we head off to find our luggage and a place to stay. As I'm looking for my bag I glance over and see a curly brunette haired boy talking with some girl and I can't help but walk over to see who he is. As I get closer I notice it's Harry Styles from One Direction! Who would have thought 10 minutes into being here in London and already I found one boy from One Direction. As I stand there and just watch him talk I finally look over at the girl he is talking to. She's got brown hair and seems to be older but I can't be too sure. But I can tell you this, she is being mighty pushy and I look back to see Harry's face and see that he is not ok with this. But just as I'm about to walk away Harry looks in my general direction or at least that's how it feels to me at first but then as I continue to look back at him I see that he really SEES me. He then smiles which causes my heart to melt and motions for me to come over and strangely enough I can actually get my feet to do so. When I get closer to him he reaches over and takes my hand.

"I'm sorry but I'm not going to go out with you." Harry says to the brunette. And finally she gets it and walks away. Harry then turns to me and just as he is about to say something he glances over his shoulder and sees her still watching he looks back to me.

"May I kiss you?" Harry asks politely.

"Yes of course you may." I say with a smile. Harry leans down and kisses me gently. And when he pulls away he looks back and sees she is gone but notices all the people around us.

"Come with me." Harry says. I nod. And he then leads me to his car and he goes and opens the door for me as I slide in. Harry then begins driving to someplace unknown to me. As I open my mouth to say something Harry begins counting, "and 3...2...1" His phone goes off just as he mouths 'zero'. "Will you answer that love?" I smile and nod as he hands me the phone. I look down and see that it's Louis.

"Hello." I say into the phone.

"Harry, what the heck is going on? Wait... who is this?"

"This is Anabell, Harry's driving he told me to answer the phone."

Live While We're Young (One Direction fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now