Elurin and Eluren - Silmarillion One Shot

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"How are they?" Asked Maglor's voice from the door. Maedhros blinked awake in the chair that was set beside the bed in the darkroom. Maedhros looked at the two figures that were wrapped in blankets before he nodded and said, "The healer said they will live."

"That's good but you should get some sleep. I can watch them," Maglor told him as he walked over.

"No. I am fine," He said as he sat up. "What did you do with those guards."

"The twins have them in the dungeons," Maglor said. "They also are taking care of some other duties."

Maedhros nodded and continued to watch over the two silver-haired twins that lay under the mounds of blankets. Maglor sighed softly and placed a hand to Maedhros's shoulder and said, "You need some sleep as well."

He shook his head and said, "I am fine. Besides, they wanted someone to watch them."

"If you insist," Maglor said and went to the fireplace and placed another log inside which made the room a bit warmer. Maedhros nodded his thanks and Maglor smiled and then turned to leave the room. When Maedhros was alone again he sighed and tilted his head back a little to think.


"How is he?" Amrod asked Maglor when he left the room and closed the door.

"Being himself," Maglor said.

"So. He needs help but is too stubborn to take the help that he needs?" Amras asked as he walked over as well.

"You guessed it," Maglor said nodding. "Yet at least he saved those two boys."

"Yeah, and it'll be nice to spend time with elflings again," Amrod said, getting a nod of agreement from his twin. Maglor just smiled and nodded and said, "I guess but I can't say for sure if they are staying. I mean they may want to go somewhere else."

"I have a feeling they'll stay," Amras said with a smile.

"Who knows but come we should get some rest," Maglor said as he ushered the twins to bed out of pure habit from all the years.

A couple of years later
Maedhros looked up as his door opened and he watched as Elured and Elurin come in with Amras. "Well we are done with their archery lesson for today," Amras said to him.

"And how did they do?" Maedhros asked.

"They did really well," Amras said.

"They really did," Amrod added as he quickly joined them in Maedhros's office.

"That's very good," Maedhros said with a nod as he put the quill down and gave a nod.

"I got a few bullseyes even, Atar," Elured said proudly.

"I did too," Elurin chimed in.

"That's only because you sneezed while you shot the arrow." Amrod teased him poking at his cheek. Elurin ducked and moved away and said, "Uncle Amrod stop pinching my cheeks."

"But you and your brother have such fun cheeks to pinch," Amrod said as he reached over. Elurin dodged them again and moved behind his brother to use him as a shield. Elured ducked down as Amrod grabbed is cheeks and smushed them.

"Lemm me go!" Elurin yelped as he tried to move away from getting his cheeks smushed. "Let go!"

"Nope!" Amrod said and Maedhros sighed and shook his head. "That's enough. Let go of Elruin."

"Fine..." Amrod sighed with a pout. Amras snickered at his brother's face and poked the side of his stomach. Amrod yelped and jumped back but started laughing as he and his twin exchanged a look. Maedhros just shook his head and rubbed his head lightly.

"We are twins but we don't even understand this," Elured said as he watched this.

"Well, we do...sort of," Elurin added.

"These two are a special case," Maedhros said as he picked up his quill once more and finished working on the stack of papers that were on his desk.

"Atar? Are we still going to do our sparing sessions?" Elurin asked as he looked at Maedhros who nodded. "We are. Kano will be joining us." Maedhros said.

The twined silver hair boys and nodded. "Alright. Thank you atar,"

"Of course now you two should go have lunch I will be down there shortly. As for you two-" Maedhros said as he looked to Ambarussa who were just on the floor laughing. "-you two have work to do."

"Alright," Amrod said as he still was laughing. Amras stood up and just laughed along with his brother. The two brothers just laughed as they left the room and Maedhros just ignored them.

"Have they always been like that?" Elurin asked.

"Pretty much," Maedhros replied as he just shook his head. Yet, he had a small smile on his face as he watched them as well as the Elurin and Elured.

The two silver-haired twins laughed and then Elured turned to him and said, "We are going to lunch then. Are you coming?"

"I will be down there soon," Maedhros told them. They nodded and left the room closing the door so he could finish his work in peace. He had a small smile on his face, to think that he ended up adopting those two. He just smiled shortly and worked on finishing the papers that were piled on his desk. Once he was finished he came to the kitchen to find Maglor in the middle of some ballad that he seemed to have made up on the spot. He sat down by his sons and ate a bit as Maglor finished up and took a bow.

He may have lost some of his family but he did gain two more. 

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