Alive - Silmarillion One Shot

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Feanor was a bit confused as he and his father were both called to the garden of Este. Since from being banished he didn't talk much with the Valar or made contact with anyone else outside his family at least. So this was a surprise for him and he did see his father also looked suprised. They were brought into a different part of the gardens where Este was sitting with...Miriel!?  

Miriel turned and smiled at Feanor and Finwe who stood there in shock. Feanor was the first one to move forward and he was suprised at how quiet his voice was when he asked, "Mamil?

Miriel stood up and placed her hand on Feanor's cheek and then he pulled her close. She smiled and wrapped her arms around her. "Hello onya," She said softly. 

"How? How are you back?" Feanor asked after a moment looking at her. 

"We are not sure," Este explained. "Yet we do know that she is back and she is well." 

Feanor nodded and looked back at his mother and hugged her once more. She hugged him back and when he let go she looked at him with a light smile and some tears in her eyes. She put a hand on his face and said, "You are even more handsome then I imagined you to be. Feanaro, no words can explain how am so sorry for not being able to be there for you. I wish I could have been there to watch you grow into who you are. I am so sorry for leaving you." 

Feanor just could nod and swallow a bit. He was mad but it wasn't her fault and having her right there. All that sadness and bitterness for not having her while he was growing up melted away. He looked up at her and said, "It wasn't your fault," 

She smiled at him brightly but when she looked up at Finwe her warm smiled turned a bit sad. Feanor and Este did leave to give the two some privacy. When they were gone she stepped towards him but stopped herself as Finwe came over and took her hands. "Miriel. I am-" Yet, he stopped as she held a hand up. 

"You don't have to say anything. I know what happened," She said her voice as calm as she could muster. "I was told and saw through the weavings of Vaire what happened. Just because I was gone dose not mean I would not watch over you and my son."

Finwe dropped her hands and looked at her as she gave him a light smile. Her eyes were sad as she said, "I am not angry a bit hurt but I am not mad. I am happy you found some peace after I was gone. So, I do not intend to get in the way of you or the family that you now have." 

She gave him a light bow and she walked past him leaving him standing in the gardens alone. As she was facing away from him she felt tears on her face but she whipped them away before she went to where Feanor was standing. 

"Mamil," Feanor said when he saw her approach. Yet he paused when he saw some tears. "What did he say to you." 

"Nothing Feanor," She said as she wipes her eyes. "I am alright and I can not wait to meet you and your wife." 

"You know?" Feanor asked sounding suprised. 

"Just because I wasn't there does not mean I didn't do what I can to watch over you." She said. "I am proud of the man you have become." 

Feanor looked at her and asked, "You then know about my banishment. You are proud of that?"

"Feanor. I may have seen every event but I have no idea what happened in your heart or your head. So I can give no judgment in that matter. Yet, if you want to talk to me about it...about everything then I will be more then happy to hear it and talk to you. However, before that, I want to meet your wife and children." 

Feanor nodded and said, "Alright and since you...well you are more than welcome to stay with me. Since..." Yet he trailed off. 

"It's alright," She said softly. 

Feanor smiled and led her from the gardens telling her how he met his wife and about his children. She just held his hand smiling as she listened. 

Middle earth: One - Shots, Drawings, and randomness 2Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat