A Different Type Of Mercy - Silmarillion One Shot

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Mandos sat in his thrown with his eyes closed as he listened to the silence in his halls. The only occupant was Miriel who was deeper within the halls weaving her own work with his wife. Yet, his mind was elsewhere, on possible upcoming shadows and darkness. Which would mean he would have work to do and a lot more souls to judge.

"Namo?" Asked a soft voice from the doorway causing him to look up to see Nienna standing there with her hood covering her face. "Are you well?"

"It is nothing," Mandos said with a wave of his hand. Nienna frowned as she walked over and said, "I know that you are not telling me everything, Namo. What is wrong?"

Mandos sighed and looked at his sister and asked, "Why was I given this task? To judge the souls of the dead and guard them. It's a hard and cold task but why did Eru give it to me. Our brother is much more suited in this,"

"Eru picked you since he knows you have the best skills for it," She replied. "Besides, I do not think you are more suited to be the Valar of Dreams."

"No. Perhaps not," Mandos replied.

Nienna put a hand on her brother's and said, "My brother. Your task is a hard one, harder than most but you are the only one suited for this. You see things that others do not, you see both the actions that one does and what's beneath the surface. You judge both the actions and the heart as well as the pain. You do what you must for you have your own type of mercy you bestow."

Mandos looked up at his sister and gave one of his very rare light smiles. He gave a short nod and then said, "Thank you Nienna, your insight was helpful."

"Of course, my brother." She said with a gentle nod as she moved away and deeper into the halls to see Miriel. Mandos then sat back thinking about what she had said, perhaps she was right. Perhaps he had his own type of mercy. 

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