Ditching - Silmarillion One Shot

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Feanor groaned as he leaned against the wall outside, he hated going to all these parties and festivals. Yet, he had to since he was the king's son as well as his father always requested it from him. He walked away from the party a bit to get a deep breath in and to get away from everyone else. Yet, his solitude was interrupted by a voice that caused Feanor to cringe. "Feanor!"

Feanor turned his head slightly to look at his young step-brother was rushing over to him. "What are you doing over here? You're missing the part,"

"Breathing. Bug off," Feanor said as he shooed him away. Fingolfin made a face and said, "but I want to hang out with you."

"Just go away," Feanor said.

"But you said I can bother you when you're not doing anything. You're not doing anything." Fingolfin said.

"I am doing something," Feanor said.

"What?" Fingolfin asked.

"I am..waiting for someone," Feanor said scanning the crowd quickly hoping he would see someone he'll know.

"Who?" Fingolfin asked. Feanor paused as he looked around he then gave a sigh of relief.

"Them," He said and walked to where Nerdanel was. Fingolfin gave a small gasp as he saw Feanor walking towards a girl. He trailed after him as Feanor started talking to her. He then glared at Fingolfin as he came over to them.

"I told you. Bug off," Feanor said.

"But she's a girl!" He said. Feanor groaned and looked at Nerdanel for help. She just had a slight amused smile.

"So. This is that step-brother you told me about?" She asked.

"Yeah..." Feanor sighed. He grabbed Nerdanel's hand and led her to where elves were dancing.

"You hate dancing I thought," She said.

"Hate him more," He replied as the two began to dance gracefully.

"I am suprised. Didn't expect you to know how to dance," Nerdanel said as Feanor spun her around gently.

"I'm a prince, guess it's an edict that I have to know." He said.

"Well, you're very good, except for stepping on my toe a few moments ago." She replied as they both danced around steadily. A light embarrassed blush came to Feanor's face causing Nerdanel to laugh.

"You're cruel," Feanor said.

"I guess you're a bad influence," She said with an amused smile. Feanor just shook his head and found himself smiling as they came to a stop.

"Someone is watching us," She said gesturing over her shoulder. Feanor looked up and saw Fingolfin's face watching them.

"Come on," He said taking her hand. "Let's lose him,"

He then pulled her away leading here away from the party. After they were away from everyone and sat down under a tree. She looked at him and smiled chuckling lightly.

"What?" He asked.

"Oh. It's nothing. So, do you think that your father will mind you left like that?" She asked. He just shrugged and said, "I guess you worth a lector."

She rolled her eyes a bit and said, "Just what every girl want to hear,"

They then looked at each other and then just laughed.

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