Prompt - #1

80 11 14

So. This is for @daughter-of-feanor for the prompt pages. So, here they are!
I did this a few times. So I have a few different groups. Here they are!

Characters: Finrod with Thorin
Topic: Childhood

Finrod: *happily* Hello!

Thorin: *raises an eyebrow* who are you?

Finrod: I am Finrod! Pleased to meet you!

Thorin: You're an elf...

Finrod: I

Thorin: I do not like elves.

Finrod: Why? I am not mean. I am really nice but I know some elves could be mean. I know about that. One time when I was a little my uncle... *goes into a full story about his child*

Thorin: *Just stands there looking confused*


Characters: Frodo with Maglor
Topic: Memory (this one is a bit sad)

Frodo was walking through the halls of Rivendell enjoying the wounder and magic of it all. Yet, when he turned a corner he ran into someone standing there. He stumbled back and said, "Oh! I am sorry!"

The cloaked figure who Frodo ran into turned around and said, "It's alright...are you okay?"

"I am fine," Frodo said as he looked up at the figure. He had a hood pulled over his head and the dark cloak wrapped around him tightly. The part of his face that Frodo could see was pale but it was just a wash of pain and sadness.

"That's good," He said his voice soft and a wave of sorrow. Yet, there was some sort of magic to it as he spoke. His eyes landed on the ring that was around Frodo's neck, the hobbit backed up a bit and started to put his hand to it.

Yet, the man raised his hand and shook his head. "Do not worry...I will not take that from you. I know the price of taking something like that." He said looking down at his hand that was bandaged with a dirty cloth.

"Who are you?" Frodo asked.

"I am no one of importance." He replied putting his hand down. "I wish you the best of luck on your travel."

"Thank you," Frodo said a bit confused as he watched the man walk away. They hummed a song of sorrow that filled the air with pain and memories. Frodo just watched them leave feeling the pain of his sorrowful melodies.

"What a sad life he must have had," Frodo said to himself he left as well. 

Middle earth: One - Shots, Drawings, and randomness 2Where stories live. Discover now