A Different Path - Silmarillion One Shot

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"Well it's been about a week and so far we have found nothing. We should rest here for a day or two." Aegnor said with a sigh as he sat down beside Turgon who seemed half asleep.

"No. We have to find a place for our people, we'll rest for tonight but that is all." Fingolfin said with a shake of his head.

"Atar, he does have a point. We should rest for the night now, once we are well rested we can continue on with clearer heads." Fingon said. He was also tired since just after the escaped the wasteland of the Helcaraxe they went right into scouting for good land to start living while they where in exile. This scouting group consisted of Fingolfin, Fingon, Turgon, Aegnor, Glorfindel, as well as Ecthelion.

Fingolfin looked at his son and nephew then nodded. "Alright. We'll rest here for a couple of days."

"Well, I guess we'll be needing firewood. I can go gather some." Turgon said with a yawn as he stood up. "I'll help you out," Fingon replied. Turgon gave a small shrug and his older brother followed him into the woods as the others started to get camp set up.

The two moved deeper into the woods gathering sticks and broken branches. Yet, Fingon stopped as he heard a low noise.

"Turgon? Did you hear that?" Fingon asked turning to his brother who just shook his head. Fingon frowned and looked where the noise came from.

"I'll be right back," Fingon said as he passed the firewood to Turgon and then walked to where the noise was. Turgon groaned and followed after his brother calling after him.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Turgon called.

"I am checking something out. Now, shh." Fingon said pressing a finger to his lips. Turgon sighed and followed but as they looked around they found nothing but an empty forest. Turgon shook his head and sighed.

"Finno. Let's just go, there is nothing." Turgon replied. Fingon sighed and nodded and grabbed his part of firewood and the two turned around. Only to be faced with two figures standing before them, they both wore hoods that covered their face and simple but well made hunting clothes. They both pulled off their hoods and they shared the same face. Both of them had red-hair although one of them had a slight shade of darker red than the other. As well as the red hair they both shared green eyes.

"Who are you two?" One of them asked.

"Yeah. We haven't seen you before and you definitely aren't from Doriath...or from any of the other Avari kingdoms." The other said.

It took Fingon a few moments to refocus on what the two elves said. He smiled slightly and said, "I am Fingon, this is my brother Turgon. We both are from Valinor but it's a long story what we are doing here."

"Oh. I see," One of them said. "Well, We are Ambarussa."

"Or you can call me Amrod. He's Amras," The other one then said.

"Or that," Amras said causing his brother to chuckle. Once Amrod finished chuckling he looked Fingon and Turgon over before he whispered something to his twin. The other elf thought for a few moments before he nodded. The two then looked back at Fingon and Turgon.

"You know the place you are setting up your camp isn't that safe," Amrod said looking past them slightly then he looked back at them.

"If you want you can stay by our campsite, it's not so far from here and it's away from snake pits," Amras added just as there was a scream of surprise form the campsite. Once they heard the scream Turgon and Fingon ran back to their campsite with Amras and Amrod following behind them. At the campsite, they found Fingolfin, Aegnor, Glorfindel, and Ecthelion all standing up and away from a few snakes that were on the ground.

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