Truly Immortal - Silmarillion One Shot

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The hooded figure walked silently keeping his head down and stayed close to the edge of the road. His walk did slow a bit as he heard footsteps on the ground but he continued on walking. Ignoring the orcs that stormed on the path in front of him. He just stepped around them only stopping as one of them grabbed his cloak and yanked him back. He let himself be pulled as the orcs surrounded him.

"Ha! An easy target! We'll eat well tonight boys!" One of them boasted as he drew a long sword and swung it at his head. The figure merely moved back out of the swing of the weapon and then stepped backward.

"I recommend you let me go," The figure said in a low slightly raspy voice. The orc just growled and moved to attack again and the orcs behind him grabbed at his upper arms. Yet, he ducked low and moved away causing the orc to cut through two of the others there.

"KILL HIM!" The head orc roared. The other orcs pulled out their swords and clubs and charged at him. He just moved back and dodged the weapons keeping his arms at his side as he moved quickly dodging each attack. He moved backward and then sidestepped as he heard a growl from behind him. A large white wolfhound came bounding down the path and leaped into the group of orcs. Followed behind the large wolfhound were two elves who each rode a horse. One had light blond hair that was almost silver and the other had black hair.

He moved back as he let the elves fight off the orcs. The two were clearly warriors and skilled at that and the white wolfhound helped them easily. He kept his hood low as he watched but he saw one of the orcs who had been the first one attacked stand up. The orc notched an arrow into a bow and aimed it at the head of one of the two elves. They both were too occupied along with the wolfhound to notice the coming attack. He cursed himself silently before he ran in front of the elf letting the arrow hit him in the shoulder. He winced a bit but straightened up and pulled the arrow out. He dropped the arrow and then looked at the orc who fired again right at him. He didn't flinch as he caught the next arrow and dropped it to the ground. The elf who he saved turned and fired a killing shot at the orc. He turned just as the other two finished off the remaining orcs.

"I guess I should say thank you," The one who he saved said.

"You helped me. I repaid you," He replied shortly before he started to walk past them. He heard the hound give a few barks and the same elf said, "Wait! The arrow you shot with was poisoned."

"I'm fine," He replied stopping looking at his arm. "It's nothing."

"Orc poison isn't anything to mess with." The same elf said. He then reached out to grab at his arm. The figure pulled back quickly and turned on the elf.

"Don't touch me!" He said almost with a growl.

"Whoa! Calm down we are only trying to be helpful," The elf said.

"For once," The other elf said earning a glare from his blond-haired companion.

"I am Celegorm. This is Huan and brother Caranthir, we can help you." He said gesturing to the elf behind who gave a short wave.

"I'm fine...just get away from me," He said taking a few steps away from them. He then looked up as another black-haired elf rode up to them and looked around.

"Looks like you two made a mess of things," He commented.

"Didn't see you here helping," Celegorm said.

"I am sorry but I was busy," He replied.

"Being an idiot," Celegorm replied.

"Oh shut up! Who's he?" The new elf asked. Celegorm and Caranthir then turned to him.

He sighed a bit and said, "Nuhuinon,"

"I am Curufin and it seems you met my brothers," He said gesturing to the other two elves.

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