Practice teeth!? - Silmarillion One Shot

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Maedhros and Maglor were working in their study when Elrond came running in dragging Elros behind him. Elrond looked panicked and very concerned. 

"What happened?" Maglor asked as he turned to the boys. Elrond started talking but it seemed like he was too worried to make any clear sense. Yet, once he finished he looked to Elros who was rubbing his jaw a little. 

"We were just playing and I fell. I am-" Elros started but he got cut off by his brother who said, "He fell! His tooth is now loose!" 

"Let me see," Maglor said. He then laughed when Elros showed him his mouth.

"Elrond he's fine. He just as a loose tooth," Maglor explained. He then told them about how when someone is little they will lose their teeth but a new one will grow back that they'll have fo the rest of their lives. Elrond nodded but it was Elros's turn to have a strange expression on his face. 

"You mean...I have been eating this whole time with practice teeth!?" 

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