Rajeshwari - 2

127 22 13

"If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals."

― J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

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A constant beep sound brought me back to consciousness. I had no idea where I was or even what time it was. Just as I was slowly gaining senses, a strong scent of antiseptics, clearly trying to depict sterility, hit me, making me slightly nauseous. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked around. I was greeted with darkness. The place I currently am is completely dark except for the small illumination from the screen of the machine sort of thing which is somehow connected to it, and I am too tired to notice how. I know I just woke up, but still I'm tired. Don't judge, okay?

After a few minutes, when my eyes adjusted to the little light there is, I looked around. I believe I am in a closed room, surrounded by white and blue colored walls, probably a hospital. On the couch laid my father, sleeping. I try calling out to him, my voice coming out low and hoarse, making me realize that I desperately needed to drink some water. After trying to reach for the water glass for what felt like hours together, I saw a red button attached to my bed post. Assuming it is to call a nurse, or maybe a helper, perhaps, I press it. It made a buzzing sound, effectively waking up my dad. Turning to me, he gave out a small smile. I could see his eyes filling up with tears. Of relief, maybe. 

My dad, My hero. He was crying. Because of me. That realization caused me to tear up. He came up to me and hugged me. Just then a nurse entered the room. Seeing me awake, she gave a smile. She then went to inform the doctor about my condition. Meanwhile, my dad made me drink a little bit of water, the reason I called the nurse in the first place.

After I was settled, a woman in white coat came to me.

"Hello dear. How are you feeling now?"

It was then that I actually thought back to why I am here. "I feel a bit weak, tired"

"Do you feel any pain?"

"No. My muscles feel cramped"

"Good. You have been sleeping since one and a half day, so the cramps. It'll get better. Your condition is still fragile. Take care"

"Ok Doctor...."

"Vennela. By the way do you remember why you are here?"

"Um... I don't know" I said, still trying to remember why actually I was here.

"It's alright. You are in shock. You'll get back your memories in time. What is the last thing you remember?"

"um...yeah! I remember going with Jay to speak about the planning for the party. And then nothing" I say trying to fight the killer headache.

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