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Raavana's Mandodari

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" The trials on the road to world harmony are no greater than the courage of those who accept the challenge. The road of life is never without trials and tribulations. Through the trials and tribulations of life come the openness to receive greatness "

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They say that hurdles are just a phase in life and will eventually pass. But while we are in the phase, we got to thrive, fight and win over it and end it once for all. Difficulties arise not to break you down, but to make you stronger.

You need to have a lot of patience and perseverance to go through it and come out victorious. With patience and perseverance come courage and wisdom. So believing in yourself is important to get over the fear of failure.

At my lowest phase of life, I didn't believe I could make it out of it. But here I am. Ready to tell you my story.

Trust me I never thought good fortune was ever written in my fate. All of my childhood was filled with taunts from my very own mother; sneers from my father; glares from my sibling and hateful glances from my grand father. It was only my Grandma, who ever took me in her embrace and loved me. Showed me that the treatment I am facing was not right, though she couldn't do much to stop it. It was only because of her that I learned my worth. That I deserved better.

Being a girl wasn't and still not very easy. Especially not in a male dominated patriarchal family where the birth of a girl child was not considered lucky and auspicious, in fact the opposite - unlucky and unpropitious. As far back as I could remember the only time I was truly happy was when I was seven year old and with my grand mother. Her passing away made my life miserable and more uncertain than already. Not that it was any amazing while she was there. But she buffered me from a large part of my parents' hate and disgust. Always consoled me and told me that I was brave and strong. She was and remains to be the Angel of my life.

Sure there was no abuse and all my basic needs to survive were covered. Though luxury was a far-fetched dream, my desire for education was fulfilled. That doesn't mean everything was merry.

Not being cared and appreciated does a lot to a child. And adding to that, your parents cursing you for being born, makes it all the more bad. Especially when your brother, two years elder to you, always bullies you. He always has a greater say than you. Always was a higher priority.

Even if he failed in his classes though you came first. Even if he always makes you do his work. Even if he insults you in front of everyone. Even if he is irresponsible. Even then he is praised and you are punished - though there is no fault of yours. And whoever thinks it is just the sibling rivalry better drown in the Ganges because the society has always been blind to see the misconduct happening to a girl.

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