Meeting again.

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"If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."  

– Paulo Coelho 

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~ Mandodari ~

A great man once said, 'Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.' Taking his words into serious consideration, I left the burden that I have been bearing since the last 8 years. I am no more indebted to my parents. At least I would like to believe so. After coming back to my apartment yesterday, I checked in with Rithvika, a friend of mine who is a civil lawyer. I explained Tara's situation to her to see if there is something that I have, to hold against my parents if there ever arises a need to control them. And the discussion with her was quite fruitful, if I say so myself. 

After that I headed to the hospital even though I was actually on a leave. I wanted to distract myself from the happenings of the day and what better distraction than work. I was busy the rest of the day with a few consultations. And when I was done, I was still not fine. I think I still need time to straighten myself after the encounter. Seeing disdain towards me in my parents eyes was not a new thing, doesn't mean it hurts any less every time I see it. It has been a few years since they last saw me. But still, their feelings towards me are the same. 

Years ago, when I was a kid, I used to question myself if there was something wrong with me. That I was the problem. Insecurities killed me. Only after I came out from under their roof, that I actually saw the world. I saw people and then realized that the fault wasn't mine, And I slowly let go of my insecurities. And when they disowned me, that was the final straw. It made me stronger, and not weaker like they had assumed. I didn't go running back to them, like my father wanted me to. But I stood on my own two feet. I began living for myself. For my freedom and self-respect. 

Leaving behind the shackles of the past, I move towards the light, the future is to bring. 

Today is a new day. Another opportunity to experience life and I am going to start my day with renewed zeal. Today, my first case was a victim of a motorbike accident. He had a blunt abdominal trauma and multiple abdominal injuries also severely affecting spleen and liver. 

By the time I reached there, his heart rate had increased rapidly and touched 180 beats per minute while his blood pressure was falling down rapidly. He was stabilized rather quickly after putting him on I.V. Examination showed no signs of pelvic bone fractures - which is a very good sign. A whole body CT scan was performed which gave a detailed report on injuries. Thankfully there was no major internal bleeding. Needless to say, that man was very lucky. After the necessary treatment, he was kept under observation for 48 hours when his Blood Picture and Cardiac function were regularly monitored.

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