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"Being confident means believing in yourself. Ego means needing to prove that you're better than other people."

-Barbara De Angelis

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Presenting to you

~ Rajeshwari ~

"Raj, What do you think about hanging out tonight at my place?"

Sighing in exasperation, I replied to him "Look Dhruv, I'm not interested in you. The only feeling I have for you is pity. I can't be seen with the likes of you. Don't you get that when I say it once? Leave me alone"

"But....But Raj, you said you liked me" The broken voice made me want to apologize to him but Reena's words rang in my head. It was a bet. No need to get so attached. 

"Oh Man, I like you doesn't mean that I want to date you. You are a good guy Dhruv, but I don't want to be with you in a relationship. And it was just a bet. Get over it" I say turning around. Seriously, that guy needs to learn his place. 

I am Raj, Rajeshwari. You wanna be my friend, then you got to live up to my expectations and social status! 

Being the only child of my parents, I was always loved and pampered. All through my life, till now I never faced any difficulty in my life. As a matter of fact, I never felt any discomfort in my life. My parents granted me all my wishes even before I asked them. At the age of four, I had my complete collection of Barbies. By the time I was six, I had my own bicycle, when no friend of mine even knew what it was. By the time I was twelve, I had my own Mobile and at Fifteen, I had my own Laptop. All my desires were fulfilled as soon as I expressed them. All my friends were envious of me, and I cherished it. What can I say? I was a Queen B! Of course, some call me a spoiled brat, but do I care? Oh hell, no. 

Not to sound egoistical, but I had a mini-celebrity status. Girls followed me wishing to be my friend while boys followed me, wanting to make me fall in love with them. At 18 years, all this made me feel like I was royalty. It made me feel like I was on the top of the world. Having good grades was an added bonus. I was always in the good books of my teachers. All in all, I was looked up by my peers as Royalty. What I say, happens. It almost made me feel like a monarch. 

I bullied low-class students - mild, but still bullying it is. Treated people like toys. Down-graded people who genuinely wanted good for me. I became too stubborn to be controlled by my parents anymore. But that doesn't mean I love them any less.

My parents are my world. There is nothing I won't do for them. But that doesn't mean they can say anything and I listen and follow every word they say. No way. I am an adult. More specifically, I am Eighteen. I know how to live in the world. How to face the world. I know how to deal with people. How to make friends and all! I am no kid. Everyone loves me and wishes to be with me.

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