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"Why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?"

― Ian Wallace

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Welp. it's me! 

~ Sanjana, the authoress ~

You know what a consequence means; a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant. Well, it is one's karma that has them go through the consequences of their each and every action. Some people believe that one faces the aftermath of their deeds in this birth only while a few others believe that they face them in the coming birth. There are still a few who believe that it is in hell or heaven that we are destined to, that shows us the end result. Whereever it is, but they say that if you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences. 

You might probably be wondering why the author is speaking all this gibberish? All the Karma talk? Well, read on you'll soon find out!

Sitting in the rotating chair behind the desk in her cabin was Mandodari. Even in this winter when temperature was falling so low, all thanks to global warming and climate changes, sweating like a pig (no offense) was Brigesh, Raavana's Personal Assistant. 

"I asked you a question Mr. Brigesh. Answer me. It isn't like I can't gather the answer to it myself. I just want to know how far I can push your buttons" Mandodari addressed Brigesh seriously.

"I am sorry Ma'am. I really can't tell you that. Boss will have my head for it"

"If you think I won't hurt you now, then you are really very wrong. I can always file a case against you for invasion of my privacy. You people are big figures in the society. If I file a case against you people, the Media will have a field day, don't you think?"

"Ma'am, please try to understand - "

"Oh come on Brigesh. Just tell me. Did your boss have me investigated?"

The silence which followed the question told Mandodari all she needed to hear. That means he knows about her family, she concluded. This made Mandodari question her initial decision of accepting Raavana. If a man can't even respect her and her privacy, how can he love her? Though Mandodari resolved not to make any decision in haste, and should give Raavana a chance to explain himself. 

Signalling Brigesh to leave, she called Raavana

"Hi Bangaram! Missed me? You called this early today?"

Trying to hide her fury, she replied "Nothing Sweetheart! Where are you?"

As if sensing that something was wrong, he cautiously replied, "At Office dear. Brigesh is on leave today, so I have a lot of work carved out"

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