Who murdered

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Ruby's POV

After Will Scarlett and his men left the hat dude took me out of the tea pot and set me down on the long table.
"Hey how long am I gonna be like this?" I asked.
"1 day and a half." the hare replied.
"So will you help me?"
"No, your mother killed Anastasia and she was really nice. So no, Will Scarlett should get his revenge." The hat guy tried to shoo me away until I stopped him.
"But there's no cause for this revenge, at dinner last night mother told me about the story of Will Scarlett, Anastasia, and Cora. It wasn't my mother who killed Anastasia, it was Cora. And everyone in Wonderland knew until Cora cast a curse to change the story in the publics heads, so that Regina killed Anastasia, not Cora. The only reason the people of Wonderland hasn't killed my mother yet is because they fear her. So as you can see I have to stop this, I have to get out of here, reverse the curse cast on the people of Wonderland, and not get caught by Cora on the way. Will you help me!?" I yelled.
The Hare and the hat guy stared at each other skeptically then turned their head back to me.
"Ok" they said cheerfully.
"Oh but before we go we have to introduce ourselves, I am the Mad Hatter."

Peter's POV

I used one of Reginas looking glasses to reach Felix and the Lost Boys in Neverland.
"Yes Pan." Felix answered.
"Cora, Reginas mother is after Ruby and I need to find her before she does, so I need you and the Lost boys to come here and search all around even in Underland, do you understand me."
Felix nodded.
"But Pan how do we get there, your the one with magic."
"My shadow will bring you, but in the meantime get the boys ready." I hung up and stormed out of the room.... time for a plan.

Felix POV

Pan hung up and I went outside to tell the boys what's going on and what we're up against. The shadow came and started to transport us the Wonderland. We're all going one by one and I last just so I can make sure we don't forget anybody. Wow Pan really must care for this girl.. I thought he'd never care again especially after- no I probably shouldn't say her name.

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