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Ruby's POV

It's been 2 weeks since the Lost Mutts murdered Fiona.


I ran until I could see them at the shore of Mermaid Lagoon. Fiona had her hands tied behind her back and her feet tied to get her. I could see Pans shadow fly over, pick Fiona up and drop her in the lake.

"No!" I yelled from behind the tree, the Lost Boys were coming at me, but I didn't care. I sprinted to the lake and saw Fiona struggle and Struggle, splashing around, until the water was still. I fell to my knees hoping she would rise out of the water ok, but she didn't. I stood up and turned to see Peter Pan standing behind me.

"You Son Of A Bitch!" I furiously said walking towards him. He then flicked his hand and my eyes grew heavy. I fell in the ground and before I was out if it he whispered something in my ear.

"This is your punishment, for every year you left, A Lost Girl will die. And it will be your fault.

End of flashback.

Since that day I've lost 5 girls. Ivy, Rose, Clara, Melody, and Rita. All of them brutally murdered. But I'm not going to sit on my ass and watch my girls being picked off 1-by-1. It's time to fight back! When Peter and the Lost Boys slept, I found my way to the Echo Caves, where they were held. The only problem is that I have to say my 3 darkest secrets out loud. I got to the cave and stood at the edge of the cliff in the dark Echo Caves. I know what I have to do.

"Um.... work brain work!" I whispered to myself.

"I stole pixie dust from the hollow tree," Some stones rose out of the ground building about a 3rd of the path."

Then I admitted to something I never wanted to admit to.

"I kissed Felix my first night here 20 years ago."

The path built a little more.

Then my deepest darkest secret that I would've liked to keep.

"I'm still in love with Peter Pan." The rest of the path appears and I ran across to see my Lost girls.

"RUBY!, RUBY behind you!" The lost girls yelled.

I tuned and saw Peter behind me smirking.

"So you still love me?" He said with a small smile. I kept to the cage trying to open it, then before my very eyes, the cage disappeared and hovered over the edge of the cliff.

"No stop Please, I'll do anything just spare them!" I cried.

"Sorry Love but today we play by my rules." The next thing I remember is their screams, until It was silent. My family gone. I then stood up and stood ready to jump, I had no reason, I want to die. He pulled me back,

"No please, just let me die, please, please!" I screamed at him with tears in my eyes.

He transported us back to his tent and I stormed into the bathroom, slammed the door and locked it behind me. I went to the corner rolled into fetal position and just cried, I wanted to die but he wouldn't let me.

Peters POV

I knew she would try something, I made my way to the Echo Caves and caught her revealing her last secret.

"I'm still in love with Peter Pan." She ran to the cage I tired to sneak up on her but the lost girls warned her.

"So you still love me."

She ignores me and turns back to the cage. I snapped my fingers and lifted the cage over the cliff of the caves. 20 girls for 20 years.

"No stop please I'll do anything, just spare them!" She screamed it pained me to see her so defeated, but she had to pay, she left me.

"Sorry love today we play by my rules." I dropped the cage, she sat there just staring at the falling cage and listening to the lost girls screaming her name. She got up and walked to the edge, she looked like she was going to jump. I pulled her back and she looked at me. He eyes were overflowing with tears.

"No please just let me die, please, please!" she screamed. I transported us back to the tent and she stormed into the bathroom and locked the door. I could here her sobs and I felt really bad, I didn't mean to cause her this much pain.

I walked up to the door and knocked.

"Ruby." I said softly.

She opened the door and looked at me with fire in her eyes.

"You don't speak to me , you don't look at me, don't even acknowledge me, because I'll do the same. You are DEAD to me, DEAD!" she slammed the door in my face and I could here the mirror break in the bathroom........

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