Dean (Mom Reader)- A Witch Hunt Final Part

Start from the beginning

Currently however, she herself was clinging onto Dean and crying into his chest in relief. The three of them had returned from their battle with Y/N's ex coven. It had been bloody and crass, however it had ended quickly thanks to Y/N's hexes, protection charms and her knowledge of the covens tactics and techniques. The plan had worked rather flawlessly and Y/N and Lola were finally free.

As soon as the boy's had returned from the hunt and given Y/N the news, she'd burst into tears. Grateful tears of relief as a weight had lifted from her chest. All that fear and dread that she had been living with dissipated within seconds and left her reeling. It was strange to suddenly feel normal again, but Y/N welcomed it with open arms.

"It's okay, I got you," Dean spoke softly and rubbed soothing circles on her back. "Nobody's gonna ever hurt you or Lola ever again. They're gone. All of them. And we wouldn't have been able to do it without your help,"

Y/N nodded and slowly pulled back, a smile on her face. "Thank you. Thank you all for-For everything. For taking Lola and I in, treating us with such kindness, and-and saving our lives," Her voice shook as she spoke, looking at the three of them.

"We should be thanking you. As Dean said, we could not have defeated them without your knowledge and your magic," Cas confirmed, a gentle smile on his face.

"And you two have been such a joy to have around," Sam chimed in. "I mean you're practically family now," he chuckled and Y/N sobbed at his words, pulling him into a hug now, and yanking the angel in as well.

Lola came in at that moment and froze. "Mama? Mama are you sad? What's wrong?" She hurried over and Y/N smiled, crouching to her level and wiping her eyes.

"No no baby mama's not sad. These are happy tears," Y/N kissed her daughters head, then turned back to the men. "Thank you," She repeated.

The day soon turned into night, and the relief and joy that Y/N had been feeling turned into something else. She was worried. What now? What would she and Lola do now that they were free? An unsettling feeling nestled inside her stomach. They hadn't really had a plan for what to do after the coven was defeated. Would she and Lola start a normal life now? What was normal for a witch and her child? Not to mention the fact that...Well...To be frank, she didn't want to leave. This had become something of a home. However she didn't want to intrude upon them, and stay longer than they wished to have them.

"You okay?"

It was Sam's voice that snapper Y/N out of her thoughts. "What? Oh yea I...Sorry. Got lost in my head,"

The four of them were having a drink before heading to bed. Lola had gone down already, and everyone else was sure to follow shortly after considering the big day they had.

Sam raised a brow. "Kinda looked like you were about to give yourself an aneurysm," he joked and Y/N snorted unceremoniously.

"No I just...Well I-," She cut herself off and frowned a little, unsure of where to start. "Now that Lola and I are safe...I-I guess I'm trying to figure out what we will do. Where we will go from here," she said after collecting her thoughts.

There was a strange silence that fell upon the room. Sam looked slightly startled by her answer, and Dean stared at her with an unreadable but intense expression. Cas was the one to break the oddity with a very carefully crafted and eloquently articulated single word;


Y/N blinked slowly, carefully reading everyone's expressions and coming to a conclusion. "I...Feel like I'm missing something here,"

"Y/N we- well I think we're on different pages. I mean we...Well we were under the impression you'd stay. I mean you don't have to by any means of course, you aren't- ya know, obligated to, but-" Sam's rambling was cut off by Dean.

"We don't want you to leave," He concluded for his brother.

Y/N stared at them. "Really? I mean...I-I hoped you didn't but I don't want to intrude...I-I don't- Well I didn't know if you wanted us to stay or if it was just while we were in hiding you know?"

"You two are more than welcome here for as long as you wish. This is your home now too," Cas spoke up again and Y/N felt a lump form in her throat. "You and Lola are such beautiful souls, and you bring new life to this place,"

Y/N sniffled a little "I love you guy's so much,"

None of them were sure how it happened but one way or another Y/N had managed to squish everyone into a group embrace.

"We love you too," Dean said softly.

Not too long after, Sam and Cas retired for the night, Sam giving Dean a knowing look as he passed, which went unnoticed to Y/N.

The Witch and the hunter sat together, not unlike the first night she and Lola had spent in the bunker with the people who would become their family.

"Did you really think we'd kick you out after defeating your old coven?" Dean asked after a few moments.

Y/N looked down at the table, finding the finish on the wooden table suddenly extremely interesting. "I...Hoped not. I like it here with you three. And believe me so does Lola," her eyes lifted to meet his, and that feeling emerged inside her. The nerves, and the longing. It had been a long time since she'd felt this way for someone. The last person she'd loved had been Lola's father who'd long since passed.

"Good. Because if it were up to me, I'd never let you guy's leave," He joked, lips quirking up. Y/N's eyes rolled playfully.

"Charming," She teased.

"I do try," He fired back easily.

"Easy big boy don't let it get to your head," She sassed, a smirk on her lips and a brow raised as if to challenge him.

"Oh come on you know me, I'm the most humble guy I know,"

Y/N laughed at that. "Yea mhm, sure,"

The two sat there grinning rather stupidly at one another. A blind man could see how smitten they were with each other.

"You know I saw you that one night. It was...A couple weeks ago now I think," Y/N began. Dean's face had morphed to show confusion so she continued. "I was baking in the kitchen when I heard Lola crying from our room. I went to go to her but...You were already there," The memory clicked for Dean and he seemed truly surprised by the news.

"You held her and comforted her as she cried. You let her speak and validated how she was feeling," the mother continued with a gentle smile. "That was the night I realized I was falling for you Dean," she admitted quietly, heart racing. "And if you don't feel the same it's okay. Nothing has to change I just...I wanted you to know,"

Dean stared at her for several moments, soaking in the information before a breathy chuckle escaped his lips. His eyes were glistening with a radiant mirth that was rare, however looked like it should belong there.

"And here I thought I was gonna be able to gather the fucking balls to say something,"

Y/N's face split into a grin and she too laughed, launching herself at him. Dean met her half way and swooped her into a deep and beautiful kiss. Nothing could have prepared either of them for the moment, and the way a true magic sparked between them.

It ended all too soon and they were left panting, foreheads pressed together, eyes closed as they relished in the moment.

"You ready for Lola to start calling you daddy?" Y/N teased a little as they parted and met eyes.

A mischievous smirk formed on Dean's lips "Only if you call me that first," He joked.

Y/N choked on air and smacked his chest lightly. "Dean Winchester!" However the witch couldn't help laughing at his antics.

"I'm kidding!" He defended, before sobering up a soft look in his eyes. "If that's okay with you...I'd be honored to be her father figure,"

Warmth spread through Y/N's chest. Dean knew that Lola's biological father had passed, and Y/N knew that he was looking down on them and approving of Dean.

"I- Fuck it Dean I love you," she spoke with a burst of courage.

Dean just Grinned.

"I love you too Y/N," 

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