Dean (Mom Reader)- A Witch Hunt Final Part

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It had been 41 days, 17 hours and 52 minutes. Nearly 42 days of tracking, planning and defeating the coven once and for all. Not that Y/N was counting. The 41 days 17 hours and now 53 minutes that Y/N and Lola had spent living with the Winchesters was wonderful however. The fear was still a factor, but with a safe place to stay, and with such wonderful kind beings who showed nothing but hospitality and warmth made things so much better for the wayward mother and daughter duo.

Lola was infatuated with the three men. She had developed a special relationship with each one of them. Lola had always loved to learn, and listen to stories which was where her bond with Sam sprouted. Sam would sit and snuggle her while reading books animatedly, and making silly voices which made Lola laugh and laugh. He would teach her how to play fun games, games that had Lola learning about numbers and letters which she was fascinated with. Oh and of course the piggy back and shoulder rides Sam would give her she just couldn't get enough of.

With Cas, it was a little more calm. She would color and do arts and crafts with him while listening to him speak about his time as an angel in heaven. She'd ask question after question, which Cas would always answer patiently and happily. Cast was also the only one (Aside from Y/N of course) who was allowed to touch Lola's hair. This made the angel very happy and he would learn new hair styles, going through youtube videos with Lola until they came across a do that she wanted, and Cas would get to work.

With Dean, oh those two were a troublesome pair. They would rough house together constantly, Dean always being gentle with her. Tag, wrestling, tickle fights, you name it. Dean was her go to (Again aside from Y/N) if she had a nightmare or needed help with something. He would always be there to give her a boost, kiss a boo boo away, or snuggle and make blanket and pillow forts. One day, Y/N had been in the kitchen when Lola began crying in the night. She'd run to their room, however Dean had beat her to it and was already at the little girls side wiping her tears. The mother had watched from the doorway with a small smile and a fluttering in her chest.

There was something about Dean Winchester that had Y/N smitten. She had no idea when these feelings had begun, but she knew they weren't going away. That night, as she watcher him interact with her daughter, she'd realized she was falling for him. She'd watched as Lola curled up into Dean's arms, sniffling and gripping onto his shirt.

"It's okay...It's okay. It was just a bad dream. Everyone has those sometimes,"

Red rimmed big brown puppy eyes peeked up at Dean through wet lashes "Even you?" The little voice asked hesitantly.

Dean smiled softly as he used his thumb to wipe a stray tear. "Even me kiddo. But you know what? I won't let anything ever happen to you or your mom ever again okay? I'll be here to chase away those nightmares and keep you both safe," He tucked a curl behind her ear.

Lola rubbed her nose and nodded a little bit. "Mama says it's okay to-to be scared sometimes. That just because I'm scared it-it doesn't mean I'm not strong like her," She mumbled.

"And she's absolutely right. You might just be the strongest and definitely the cutest kid I know matter of fact," He winked, causing a little giggle to escape the young girl.


"Oh yea. No contest," Dean's smile widened and Lola mirrored his expression then threw her arms around him in a tight hug. The eldest Winchester held her close and rubbed her back "Do you want me to go get your mom? I think she's making some cookies for tomorrow. Maybe we can go see if she'll let us steal some chocolate chips huh?"

The memory was a good one. After that, Y/N had hurried back to the kitchen and sure enough in came Dean and Lola ready to snag that chocolate. Of course Y/N had let them.

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