Dean-Pregnancy stress

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Dean and I have known each other since we where little. We have been friends for what feels like forever. Sam Dean and I. That's always been the group. Our dads where hunters together, so that's how we met. Now, It was us three, plus Cas, Kevin, and Sometimes Charlie, who's stop by to visit the bunker, where we were staying.

Now, Dean and I had been together as a couple for...Three years? And today...Today was a stressful day. My period was late, I was craving weird food, and I was pretty sure I was pregnant. The boys where all gathered in the living room, with Charlie, who had stopped by recently, and I was sitting on the counter in the bathroom, a pregnancy test resting in my hands as my heart beat a million miles per hour.

“Charlie!” I called my friend. Within two seconds, she came running to the bathroom, knocking on the door. “What?” She asked. I opened the door, and pulled her in. “I need your help,” I said, my eyes wide. She frowned in confusion, and I showed her the test I held. Her eyes bulged, and her mouth dropped open. “Are you p-” I cut her off before she could scream it to the world.

“I don't know! I might be!,” I said. “Oh my god,” She breathed. I nodded. “Yea, now I need your help! Moral support!” she rolled her eyes, but obeyed. I pushed her back out of the bathroom, and got the test, peeing on it, and walking back to Charlie. “Five minutes,” I whispered shakily. She nodded. Those where the longest five minutes of my entire life.

Slowly, I went up to the test, Charlie trailing behind me. I grabbed it, took a deep breath, and flipped it over. A little pink plus sign stared me right back at me. I felt the color drain from my face, and my world spun, as everything went black.

Voices. I could hear voices. My head was throbbing, but my hearing snapped on.“When is she going to wake up?!” A voice said...That was Cas. “What happened?!” That was Sam. “Charlie, did you kill her?” That was Kevin. “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! SHE WAS OK A SECOND AGO! IS SHE GONNA DIE?! NO SHE CAN'T DIE!” …..aaannnddd that was Dean.

“Dean...I'm fine you weirdo,” I managed to grumble as my eyes slowly opened up. Dean was by my side in an instant. “You scared the shit outta me!” He breathed. I rolled my eyes, and slowly sat up. “Im fine just-” Everything that happened came flooding back to me. “I think I'm gonna be sick,” I whispered, moving over, and puking.

“aw gross!” Kevin said, rushing out of the room, followed by a gagging Sam. “Sorry,” I muttered. “Are you sick? Is it the flu? What's wrong? Maybe it's food poisoning? Or what if-” I cut Dean off. “Honey, I'm pregnant,” I said.

Dean's face went pale, and his eyes bulged out of his head. His mouth dropped open, and he froze. “W-what?” He squeaked. “I'm pregnant!” I said louder. Dean started making wild hand gestures, and trying to say stuff, but all that came out, was squeaky sounds. “Your pregnant...Your pregnant...Your pregnant?! HOLY SHIT! What the?....I'm going to be a dad?! W-what...wait...I'm dreaming! HAHA! This is a dream!” Dean started spazzing.

Charlie, and I exchanged worried looks, and she grabbed Dean's shoulders and shook him roughly. “Calm down child!” She yelled. “Child...THERE'S A CHILD GROWING INSIDE OF MY GIRLFRIEND!” Dean cried. I groaned, and watched as Dean began running around the Bunker in hysterics.

“SHE'S PREGNANT!” He kept screaming. I tried, but failed to suppress the laughter that managed to escape my lips. He looked like a headless chicken running around. I sighed, and stood, calmly walking to where Sam, and Cas where trying to catch Dean.

I grabbed Dean's arm, turned him to face me, and smashed my lips to his. “Calm down,” I breathed, once I pulled away. Dean's green eyes where huge, and he was breathing heavily. “We are going to have a baby,” He whispered. I nodded, and Dean suddenly smiled, picked me up, and twirled me around.

“Y/N! We are going to be parents! Wait...What about food? Or toy's? What are we gonna name it? What if it looks like a squid? What if it doesn't have a gender?! And the diapers! Oh the smell! Poop! There's gonna be poop oh what abou-” I cut him off with another kiss.

 “Dean! We are going to be fine. I promise,” I said. He laughed nervously, then fell backwards unconscious, being caught by Cas. I sighed, and ran a hand through my hair. “This is going to take some getting used to,” 

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