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As a hunter, life was hard. Everyone who knew of them, also knew of the dangers, and the horrors that came with the life. It was a package deal. And my dumb ass had decided to stick with it. Although, I was different. I wasn't a normal hunter. Yes I had a stash of weapons, yes I lived mostly on the road, yes I was human, but I had a major advantage.



"Have you seen my fuzzy socks?"

"Honey they're in your hand,"

"Oh right, thanks sweetie!"

...That. That was my advantage. His name? God. Or, as he liked to be called by family and friends, Chuck. As powerful as he was, he was adorably quirky too. He was wise, kind hearted, and even though he made mistakes, he had good intentions, and currently, he was living with me. He had decided he wished to have more of a human experience, and although we had been a couple for years, he, had only just decided he should live with me as a human. Not only that, but the whole ordeal with Lucifer, Amara, and the winchesters had really exhausted him.

"Is Amara coming over tonight?" I asked, kissing his cheek. Chuck shook his head. "Nah, she said she wanted to give us some time alone," he answered, and looked down. I knew this man better than anyone, and especially knew just how guilty he felt for locking Amara up all those years. When I confronted him about it, he had broken down and cried. He explained how he had been so stupid and had missed her, all while I held him and listened.

After that day, it seemed he had been doing better. He had just needed to express his emotions, and I would always be there for him. "Hey, hey, I know that look. Its over now okay? Things have been worked out. Why don't I go pick us up some food yea? I know how much you love the burgers at Busters," I offered, and he perked up, eyes gleaming and a smile forming on his face.

"You do know I could just...Whoosh it up for us?" He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes "Whoosh? Really? And come on we've talked about this. Humans don't whoosh. You want the human experience don't you?" I raised a brow and Chuck sighed rather dramatically. "You're right. As always," He pecked my nose, and I grinned.

"Okay you set the table and pick out a movie for later okay? I'll be back in half an hour," I promised and he nodded. "And no whooshing!" I called as I headed out the door. I heard his laughter ring out before taking off down the street. Busters was only a five minutes walk away and it took about twenty minutes for them to prepare the order. It was a great place. In fact the place Chuck and I had had our first date at.

I used to think I was unworthy of him. He created everything, hell he's the light. He's everything. Then slowly I came to realize he felt the same way about me. To him, I was the light. To him, I was everything. Coming to that realization helped me see different perspectives, and see myself as something other than a damaged soul. I now knew that I deserved him and he deserved me.

"Hey Y/N, where's Chuck today?" Paulina, the hostess, smiled at me, and I returned the gesture. "Hey. Today we decided to pick up a little something instead. Chuck's feeling a little down and I thought a little something from our favorite place would lift his spirits," I explained and Paulina cooed. "That's so sweet of you! I do hope he feels better. Will it be the usual? I can just go back and tell Cara to whip up the burgers real quick,"

I grinned. "You know it. Thanks a million," Paulina winked and hurried to the back to let chef Cara know it was time to work her magic. I sat on the bench where the to go orders were to be waited for, and yawned softly. I couldn't wait to snuggle up to chuck while watching T.V and eating some delicious burgers.

Luckily, I didn't need to wait long and before I knew it, I was arriving at our home, burgers in hand, and tummy rumbling eagerly. I took out my keys and opened the door. "I'm home baby!" I called, and stepped inside, closing the door behind me, and slipping off my shoes. "Honey!" I called again, only to be met with silence. "Chuck?" I furrowed my brows in confusion and padded across the wooden floors.

"I have food!" I called, and peeked into the living room. He wasn't there. I chewed my lip. "Please don't scare me! You know how mean that is!" I warned, but then a scent hit my nose. The scent of a peculiar incense. Was that Lilac? I blinked. "Okay..." I mumbled to myself. "Chuck what are you-oh my," I breathed, upon entering the dining room.

In front of me, the table was set beautifully, there were candles lighting the room, and rose petals strewn across the floor. My heart swelled, and I looked up to meet the eyes of the most handsome man I knew. He was standing across from me, leaning against the wall, a singular, gorgeous scarlet rose in his hands.

"Surprise," He said softly, a smile gracing his lips. "I figured it was about time I do a little something to...Well, thank you Y/n. You've been with me through thick and thin, and you helped me through my emotions with Amara's return. You...You're truly amazing and I love you so much," He said, now only a short distance away.

Euphoria washed over me in a frenzy, and I embraced him wholeheartedly "You always know exactly what to say," He gave out a soft laugh and winked as we pulled apart. "That's because I'm God," I grinned and shook my head at him. "You're ridiculous that's what you are. Now let's not waste this beautiful setting you've created, and enjoy our meal,"

Chuck smiled brighter than the sun, and pulled out my chair for me. I laughed giddily. "And they say chivalry is dead," I teased, earning myself a kiss from my better half. "Not if I can help it," He responded, and took his seat beside me. I sighed wistfully and took out the burgers, plating them and our sides of fries.

"You know, I've always been proud of my creations," Chuck began, his eyes focused on me. I met his gaze, lips quirked upwards. "Is that so?" He nodded. "Yep. And I was fascinated by watching how each creation changed over time, evolved, and what they discovered, all by themselves," He continued, conjuring up two glasses of red wine.

"But I've never been so proud, and amazed by anything, no creation mine or mans, has ever astounded me as much as you," utter awe ran through my very veins as I watched this powerful deityspeak as if I were the very core of everything that is greateness. I was honored, and touched beyond words.

"In other words, I love you. And I want to be with you always. I guess what I'm asking is...Will you grant me the permission to make you eternal with me?" My jaw went slack and I stared in shock at him. "I...You...You want...Is this...Is this your version of a proposal?" I managed to breathe, my heart beating at a million miles a second.

"Yes. Because marriage is and I quote, 'til death do us part'," He explained. "And death won't do us part. Which I understand can be scary...The thought of being eternal..." He trailed, off nervously, but I had already made up my mind. "Chuck, I love you. I love you more than anything," I began, taking his hand in mine. "My answer is and always will be yes,"

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