Benny-Don't need no hero

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I sat with my brothers, leaning against the couch in the crappy motel room, while reading through a bunch old library books. "Anything?" Sam asked. I sighed. "Nope. Zip zero nada," I said, tossing one of the big ass dusty books on the bed. "Y/N be careful those are library books," Sam scolded, picking up the book I'd just thrown and cradling it like a child.

I scoffed. "It's a book not a friggin' baby," I mumbled, grabbing my coat, and tossing it over my shoulders. "Where are you going?" Dean questioned, suddenly perking up from his seat by the window. "Calm down I'm just going to get us some food," I said. "There's a gas station on the corner of the block I'll be back in ten minutes,"

"Got your gun? And silver knives?" Dean interrogated. "Yes mother," I smirked, and sent my brothers a wave while scampering off. I could practically hear Dean's eye roll, and Sam's bitchface as I walked out of the motel and down the block. I chuckled to myself, and kicked rock as I walked, pausing when a noise caught my attention.

The sound of shuffling feet where following me. I could distinctly pin point about four pairs of feet. I grabbed one of my knives, and sped into the alley, hiding in the shadows. "Where'd she go?" I heard a voice whisper. "Surprise motherfucker," I grinned, and jumped on top of one of the figures. It hissed at me, fangs poking out of its mouth.

Swiftly, I chopped it's head off and rolled to the side, the three other's advancing toward me. I lashed out, and kicked one in the chest, elbowing the other in the gut, but getting pinned to a wall by the third. I grunted, and dropped my knife, kicking it where the sun don't shine. It cried out in pain, and dropped to the ground.

I managed to free myself, and grab my other knife, but again, I was pinned to a wall, this time, two vamps holding me down. I growled, and was about to free myself again, but before anything else could happen, a figure jumped behind and with a machete, chopped both the vamps heads clean off. I scrambled up, grabbed my fallen knife, and chopped the last ones head off.

Next, I grabbed the new comers shirt, and pinned him to a wall, holding a knife to his neck. "Who are you and why did you help me?" I demanded. A familiar throaty chuckle escaped the figure, before the moonlight illuminated a familiar face. "Relax sugar just helpin' a sister out," My eyes widened, and I dropped my knife, jumping into his arms.

"Benny Laffite you son of a bitch where the hell have you been? Do you know how worried I was?! You didn't call...Didn't write...Hell I didn't even know if you where alive! It's been months you bastard! How could y-" I was cut off when two warm lips planted themselves on my own, the familiar tickle of his beard, calming me down.

Benny pulled away and pressed our foreheads together. "Sugar I'm sorry...I was on the run baby. I couldn't put my baby doll in danger now could I?" He murmured. I scoffed. "I can take care of myself Benjamin," I spoke. "I ever tell ya it sounds sexy when ya say my full name?" Benny spoke, completely ignoring me.

I huffed, but kissed him again anyway, running my hands through his short brown hair. "I was worried sick you know," I whispered, once we parted. "I'm sorry dolly. Just wanted to keep my girl safe," He said, his beautiful blue eyes looking into mine. I sighed. "It's a good thing you're pretty," I teased, and gave him another giant hug.

Benny chuckled softly, and hugged me back. "What're ya doing out by yourself in the night Y/N?" He asked, more seriously. "I'm going to get food for the pigs that are my brothers," I said. "Anyway I don't fear the night Benjamin..." I whispered, and nibbled his ear lobe. "The night fears me,"

"Oh is that so?" Benny spoke, his hands traveling down to my waist. I smirked. "Yes sir," Benny kissed me again, pulling me in by my waist. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his torso and he scooped me up, pinning my back against the cold brick wall. "I love you," He whispered. "I love you too," I spoke back. "So don't you scare me like that again ok?" I scolded. He nodded. "Scouts honor,"

I laughed softly. "You're an idiot," "Mhm," Benny mumbled, not even knowing what he was agreeing to. I laughed again, as we shared yet another kiss under the moonlit sky. 

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