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Gadreel and I sat together inside the small coffee shop. I'd ordered us both muffins and mocha's. It was the perfect date. Not that Gadreel and I needed to actually go on any dates. The two of us had fallen in love a long time ago, we just never actually had gone out. Gadreel didn't even know what a date was up until a few days ago.



I turned to face the now fallen angel that Sam, Dean and I were housing. "Yea?" I answered, smiling at my lover. He had an intense look of concentration on his face, and It was actually the most adorable thing I had ever seen in my life. The way his eyebrows scrunched together in thought, and those vivid blue eyes seemed so curious.

"I was conversing with Dean and he brought up...Dates. He asked me how many dates you and I had been on...I did not know what a date was and he seemed thoroughly shocked. He told me I needed to speak with you immediately," Gadreel explained, and took a seat by me. I chuckled and shook my head. Leave it to Dean to make it seem like the end of the world was coming because Gadreel and I hadn't been on a date.

"Oh Dean," I mumbled and looked at Gadreel, who's eyes were staring deep into mine with a certain innocence I couldn't help but love. "Well, a date is what two people who want to be in a relationship, or already are in a relationship do to spend time together and get to know each other, or just be together. Just the two of them," I explained, smiling gently.

Gadreel pursed his lips and I saw the wheels turning in his head. "Well..Then you and I have been on many dates have we not? Just us spending time together?" He tilted his head slightly and I chuckled a little. Angels and their head tilts. "Well a date isn't just spending time together. It's a part of the day that is planned out before hand, and meant to be romantic," I spoke, and took a sip of the beer I was nursing.

Gadreel hummed softly. "Well...I think we should plan one," He declared, a small smile on his soft pink lips. I grinned, and felt my stomach flip. Oh how I loved this man. "Is that so? What do you have in mind?" This question seemed to catch my boyfriend off guard. His face fell. "I...Well I suppose... I do not know," He mumbled sheepishly, a pink color spreading on his cheeks.

"That's okay. Come on, let's go look at some ideas online," I suggested, smiling and pressing a loving kiss on the tip of his nose which only made the pink hue deepen.

-Flashback over-

That was how we ended up searching for cute date ideas, and decided a coffee date followed by a concert that happened to be playing at a lake just by the cafe. We scheduled it, and now here we were. I smiled and took a sip of my mocha. "How do you like it?" I asked. Gadreel took a long drink of his coffee. "I am quite enjoying this beverage," he spoke after taking his drink. I stifled a laugh when I noticed the whipped cream in his mug had stained his upper lip.

"What is it? Did I say something humorous?" he asked the wrinkles of confusion forming on his forehead. I smiled. "No no it's just...You've got..." I made a motion towards my own lips and he seemed to understand because he struggled to look down at his own mouth before quickly wiping it with a napkin, flushing with embarrassment.

"That was adorable my love," I leaned over and kissed him gently. He hummed and kissed back his hand coming to cup my cheek. We pulled apart and smiled at each other, and the overwhelming sense of love blossomed in my chest once more. I sat back down and took a bite of my muffin. "Ooh you have to try this," I gasped, feeling the warm burst of sweet flavor dance on my tongue.

Gadreel picked up his muffin and inspected it, his gaze trailing over the baked treat before he cautiously took a bite. I smiled, watching his expression change from wary to delight. "You're right, this is quite good," He agreed before taking another bite, more confidently. I continued munching on my own treat, savoring the flavor as long as I could before swallowing.

We each finished our muffins, and continued drinking our mocha's. "At 'music on the lake'," I began, recalling the title of the informal concert we were going to go to. "We are going to dance," I declare, smiling. Gadreel's eyes widened almost comically. "Dance? Y/N I hardly think I am prepared to dance in front of the public," He mumbled. I scoffed. "Nonsense! It doesn't matter if you're an amateur, a professional, or don't even know how to dance. People at lake concerts are pretty chill, and won't judge. Heck they might even join us,"

I noticed the dip in Gadreel's cheek and knew he'd begun to chew on the inside. "It's about having fun," I grinned and took his hand in mine. He relaxed and gave a tentative smile, his thumb rubbing over my knuckles. "You are right," He agreed before bringing my hand up to his lips and pressing a lingering kiss to my fingers.

Before long, the two of us had finished our drinks and walked the few blocks that remained to the lake concert. There was an outdoor stage set up and the band was already up there, warming up with some improve tunes. There were people milling about the stage, some of them further towards the lake swimming, and some just strolling or biking through. The environment was perfect.

I tugged on Gadreel's hand excitedly. "I haven't been to a concert like this since I was little!" I exclaimed, memories of the joy in these events filtering through my mind. Gadreel watched me with a smile on his face. "I enjoy seeing you so happy," He said softly, and I felt my heart swell. "And I enjoy sharing this happiness with you," I responded.

Within a few minutes the band introduced themselves as Hippo Campus, and begun playing a tune. I took off in front of the stage, dragging a surprised Gadreel with me. "Woah!" He yelped stumbling after me. I giggled and stopped turning to him and grabbing his other hand, and begging to dance, a smile plastered on my face.

Gadreel seemed to find my smile contagious, because he too was grinning back at my antics, although was still reluctant about dancing. I had been teaching him back at the bunker, but he was all shy in front of others. I had to say it was cute to see him all flustered, and tripping over his own feet, cheeks rosy.

"Just flow with the music, don't think about anything else," I advised, kissing him gently. This seemed to put him at ease and he found his footing, dancing more loosely. "That's it!" I encouraged, then gasped as he spun me around and dipped me unexpectedly. "You've been holding out on me in our lessons!" I accused, with a grin.

Gadreel grinned back, blushing at my compliment, and bringing me upright as soon as the song ended, and another began. "I find this to be quite enjoyable. We must plan more of these dates don't you agree?" He spoke, and I laughed and nodded. "I very much do," I sighed happily. "How I love you Gadreel," Gadreel beamed back at me. "And I love you as well Y/N," 

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