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The night was my favorite time. I loved it because it was dark, and in the darkness, my brothers couldn't see the pain I was really in. Since we had moved into the bunker, I seemed to be doing better, because the three of us had a place to call home, but sometimes, all of life's events would come crashing down, and it would feel as though I had to carry the world upon my shoulders.

At the moment, I was laying, curled up in the bed sheets, hugging a pillow to my chest, and sobbing into it. The hot tears dripped from my eyes, and fell down to my chin. I couldn't stop them. No matter how hard I tried, they just kept coming. I was supposed to be strong, for my brothers, but in the end, I was only a weakling.

A soft knock on my door startled me, causing me to freeze. "Y/N?" I heard a smooth voice call out. My eyes darted to the door, and I managed to make out the silhouette of a man standing there. "G-gadreel?" I squeaked, trying to desperately dry my tears.

Gadreel had been living with us for a while, because when he sacrificed himself in heaven, he somehow survived, but became human, so Gadreel, as a human, was living in the bunker with Sam, Dean and I. I was happy he was living with us because I had developed feelings for him.

Said angel, took a step into my room, gently shutting the door behind him. "I heard sounds of distress coming from your quarters, and I thought I should make sure you where alright," Gadreel said, his voice managing to sooth my nerves slightly, but I was still gasping for breath. "I-I'm fine," I muttered lamely.

I was able to make out Gadreel walk over to me, and turn on the lamp on my nightstand. I flinched at the brightness, and buried my face in my pillow. "You do not look... 'fine' to me," Gadreel said, and took a seat in the edge of my bed. "What is the matter?" He questioned. I sniffled, and looked up at him through wet lashes, to see his face so full of genuine concern. I whimpered slightly, and hid my face.

"I'm not...I'm not s-strong enough G-Gadreel," I whispered, my words slurring together. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I glanced up to see Gadreel trying to comfort me. "What do you mean?" He asked. I sniffled. "I'm not...Strong l-like my brothers...I-I try...I try so hard to-to be a g-good hunter, a-and not let my m-mistakes get to me...But I can't!"

Gadreel listened as I rambled on, beginning to rub my shoulders. Slowly, I felt myself beginning to relax, and lean into his touch. "If it is any consolation Y/N, I believe you are am exquisite human being. Life as a human I am finding is very difficult, and I am amazed by how strong you are...But if you need to cry, that is ok," Gadreel spoke, his voice soothing, and his words bringing me to tears.

I sniffled, and turned, hugging Gadreel to me, and burying my face into his chest. Gadreel awkwardly hugged me back, and rubbed my back. "It's..So hard p-pretending I-I'm always ok...I'm not o-ok Gadreel," I choked, my body quivering as I sobbed. Gadreel lifted my chin up, and stared in my face with such sympathy.

"Y/N, it's alright not to be ok," He spoke ever so softly. "What's not alright, it not seeking help when you are feeling down," I felt my lip quiver slightly. "I don't...Want people to think I'm weak..." I whispered. "Crying is not a sign of weakness Y/N. It is a sign that you have strength," Gadreel informed me.

"What? H-how?" I sniffled. Gadreel gave me a small smile. "It shows that you are able to let yourself show emotions, and are not afraid to let yourself feel," I whimpered softly, and Gadreel lifted his thumb, gently drying my tears, and placing a small kiss on my forehead, making my heart skip a beat.

"Thank you Gadreel," I spoke, and hugged him tightly. Gadreel hugged me back. "I care about you Y/ a stronger way than I have ever cared for anybody...I believe the humans call it...Love," I froze, my eyes widening. I pulled back, and looked up at him, my heart beating like a drum. "What?" I squeaked. "I love you Y/N," He repeated.

I could feel a smile grow on my face. "Good. Because I love you too," I whispered, and in a flash, I had pushed my lips against Gadreel's. He was hesitant at first, but he kissed back, his hands gently resting on my hips.

I pulled back for air, and rested my forehead against his. "You are amazing," I whispered. "No. You are amazing Y/N. And please do not forget that," 

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