Patience-My little runaway Part 2

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 The minutes felt like hours as we waited for Patience to arrive. Apparently she had gone out to get herself a new phone and a new number at the Verizon store and was due back any minute. My leg was bouncing nervously and I couldn't stomach the food that Jody set out for me. I kept chewing my nails in anticipation.

"Y/N, just breathe. It'll be okay," Donna soothed. I felt my cheeks flush, embarrassed to be seen like this.

"I know I just...I haven't seen her in...Well I guess its only been a couple weeks but Patience and I are really close and I..God I've missed her so much. And I've been so worried about her," I ran a hand down my face and took a breath.

My phone suddenly started ringing, and I jumped a bit in surprise, not recognizing the number. My brows furrowed. If it was someone important they'd leave a message. I let it go to voicemail and put it back into my pocket.

"Maybe a sip of water would do ya good hm?" Donna offered, and gently pushed my water glass a little closer.

I sighed and nodded, gratefully accepting and taking a few large gulps, spilling some down my shirt.

"Easy tiger," Jody grabbed me a napkin, and I sheepishly took it and dabbed at my chest.

"Sorry I'm just so nervous," I chewed the inside of my cheek and Jody rubbed my back with a soft smile.

"That's understandable. But Patience is going to be thrilled to see you I'm sure," She soothed, and I sighed and nodded.

"I...God I've missed her so much. And a part of me was angry...But I get why she had to go like that. It wasn't her fault. It was her dads. I mean the whole reason we got into a fight was because she found out I'm a hunter," I sighed. "And I didn't tell her when she told me she was psychic. So it's....Kind of my fault. I just...I didn't want her to do it too and get hurt,"

The others listened to my story, and I looked down. "I just want to apologize in person and... And help her if she really wants to hunt too. And I know she was mad, not only because I hid it for so long but because I could get hurt too,"

My phone rung again, and I blinked, frowning at the screen. "Who keeps calling me?" I frowned.

"It could be important," Alex said softly and patted my leg. "Its okay, take it," She nodded at the phone. I bit my lip and answered hesitantly.



My heart squeezed up, as that familiar voice floated into my ears. "Patience...Patience I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry for everything!" I spat out, my eyes wide.

"No no I'm sorry!" She sniffled, and I could tell she was choking up. "I wanted to contact you sooner but I was scared you'd still be mad...And then when I did text you my dad canceled my phone right after and I-I couldn't-"

"Patience it's okay!" I assured, tearing up myself. "It's okay. I understand,"

At that moment a car pulled into the drive way. My heart accelerated and I stood, dropping the phone and rushing to the door, ignoring the stinging of my wound.

"Y/N!" Jody called, not wanting me up and running while recovering, but nothing mattered at that moment. Nothing but her.

I swung open the door and saw her climbing out of the car, speaking my name into her phone with a frown on her face, probably wondering what had happened to me.

"Patience!" I cried.

My best friend jumped and looked up, startled before her jaw dropped. "Y/N...?" She breathed in shock, her eyes huge.

That was all I needed to rush out to her, and embrace her tightly. Her arms instantly dropped and wrapped around me, just as tight. "Oh my God you...You're here how-how are you here?! Do you know Jody and Donna? You...I...How?!" She cried, tears falling down her cheeks.

I was launched into explaining how I'd run into Jody and Donna, and before we knew it, we were both crying and just holding onto each other, blubbering apologies.

Jody came over and rubbed both our backs. "Why don't we go sit down. You shouldn't be doing too much right Y/N. Don't want you getting in worse shape," She said softly, leading us both over to sit on the sofa.

Patience nodded in agreement, helping me sit and holding my hand. "You promise it's not bad?" She asked, eyes darting to my abdomen.

I nodded, and smiled softly. "Yea. I promise. Besides, if it weren't for those dumb ass monsters, I wouldn't have found you so soon," I squeezed her hand reassuringly, and she blushed softly, before resting her head on my shoulder.

"I'm so glad you're okay," She said softly.

I leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "I'm glad you're okay too,"

The others watched us, before Claire spoke up. "So...Are you sure you guy's are only best friends?" She challenged, eyebrow raised.

I felt my cheeks heat up and I chuckled softly. "Well if it were up to me, we'd be more," I admitted, taking a bold move.

As soon as the words left my lips, Patience's head shot up from my shoulder and she looked at me with those huge chocolate eyes.

"Are you...Wait are you being serious right now?" She breathed. My heart skipped a beat and I swallowed thickly, before nodding.

That was all it took for her lips to meet mine.  

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