Winchester bros-It's ok

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Sam was numb. The only thing keeping him together at the moment was the fact that there was still a slight possibility his big brother would be ok. There was still a chance. Sam was driving upon instinct only.He couldn't rely on his brain to know were to go since his mind was ready to crumble until it just collapsed in on itself. He had to keep telling himself those two words over and over. The ones that seemed to calm him.

    "It's Ok,"

    Because It was always ok. Always. Dean was always ok. It took Sam mere minutes to arrive at the bunker. He didn't even register when he had practically tumbled out of the car and to the back where Dean lay limply. Sam could hardly even look at his brother. It made his gut squeeze up and his heart break. He had tokeep going. For Dean.

    "It's Ok,"

    He reached into the back and gently pulled his brother upright, hooking his arm around Dean's waist, hoisting him up and propping his body up against his own. Dean's blood soaked clothes pressed upagainst Sam's body, and the scent of a lost battle, fresh in the air. Tears threatened to leave Sam's eyes, but he clenched his jaw andgulped thickly.

    "It's Ok,"

    He hauled Dean out of the car, then simply scooped him up, one arm under Dean's legs, and the other supporting his back. Deans head fell limply against Sam's chest, and Sam couldn't hold back a whimper that time. He could feel his body shaking in fear and agonizing sorrow, but he sucked in a deep breath, and carried his big brother inside,gently setting him on the couch.

    "It's Ok,"

    Sam kneeled beside the man who was more of a father to him than John winchester ever was. The man who had raised him, and taken care of him. The man who had loved him unconditionally, even though Sam had fucked up more times than he could count. Sam placed a loving hand on Dean's cold forehead, willing him to wake up. To sit up like nothing ever happened. He longed to see his hero one last time.

    "It's Ok,"

    Sam hadn't realized he had been whispering those two words over, and overagain, until his voice finally cracked and his hazel eyes spilledover with tears of grief. "Please," He found himself begging, pleading, praying for his big brother. "Wake up," He spoke, voice barely above a whisper, his breaths comingin short wheezy spurts.

    "It's Ok......."

    "WAKE UP!" He screamed, and grabbed Dean's face in his hands. But nothing happened. Absolutely nothing, and as Sam held his brother's face in his hands... He couldn't feel a pulse. Nothing. No breath, no heartbeat, no warmth, no comfort, no Dean. Sam stopped breathing himself for a minute. Because how could he breathe when his hero, his big brother, his whole world wasn't?


    He couldn't say it. He couldn't function. It wasn't "ok". It would never again be "ok". Sam's started to hyperventilate. Thoughts swarmed through his head at a million miles per hour. No more laughs over a beer while sitting on the hood of the Impala. No more arguments about who was better, Iron Man or Bat Man. No more yelling at his brother to turn down that horrid music of his, which Sam secretly liked. No more smiles. No more teasing. No more laughter. No more being together. No more being pissed at his annoying big brother. No more Dean....No more Dean.

    "It's not ok,"

Sam felt his world crumbling around him as he stared at the pale blood caked face of the man he had looked up to for his whole life."Please..." One final whispered attempt at nothingness was all it took for Sam to break down. He pulled his brother's lifeless bodyagainst his own and hugged him as close as he could, crying, screaming, and shaking as he cradled Dean. No. It wasn't ok. Because his hero had fallen.

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