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"You know, you're kind of okay to look at. You know, for a demon," 

I chuckled, and swung the angel blade, eyes trained on the winged douche bag tied up in front of me. "You ain't so bad yourself feathers," I hummed, stepping over to him, and trailing my vessels fingers over the enochian symbols around his hand cuffs.

"It's too bad I have to kill you," I continued, lifting my eyes to meet his. "A waste of good wit, if you ask me," I declared, and seated myself on the metal chair in front of him. "Indeed. You know, we could have made a good team. And who would have guessed? And angel and a demon, teaming up," He remarked, thoughtfully.

"A good team? And what, pray tell, would we team up against?" I questioned, intrigued by this. "Awful songs from awful movies of course. Oh don't be foolish, I heard you groaning about my song choice last night," I rolled my eyes, recalling the night I found him snooping around hell, trying to steal some of our relics. That had been when I'd knocked him out and tied him up in here. When he awoke, the bastard wouldn't stop singing 'A thousand miles' from White Chicks.

"Yes and I believe I heard about your charade Balthazar. Unsinking the Titanic to get rid of a song. That's...What's the word the kids use now a days? Extra," I remarked. Balthazar grinned. "That word was created to describe me," He nodded, and I couldn't stop a snort of amusement.

"You're really something else entirely. Now...As much fun as this is, I really do have to ask. What were you looking for Balthazar? You sneak into our vaults, with hundreds of valuables, yet you don't take any. All I can assume is that you were searching for one. Am I right?" I inquired, trailing the angel blade along his chest, but not nearly enough pressure to cause harm. Yet.

"Ah, yes, well I can't actually tell you that," He clicked his tongue, giving me a mock apologetic look. I smiled sweetly. "I'm sure," With a flick of my wrist, I slashed an X over his vessels heart. Balthazar yelped and groaned in pain. "Ooh,..That wasn't v-very nice," He huffed, his face twitching in pain.

"I'd say I'm sorry, but I really do need an answer," I tsked, licking the blood off the tip of the blade, and smacking my lips together. "...That shouldn't turn me on as much as it did," Balthazar mumbled, and I smirked. "Kinky little angel," I stood and leaned in close. "You're testing my patience. I really would like an answer,"

Balthazar sighed. "Come now, why can't we just part like old friends?" Another flick of my wrist, and there was a deeper cut, running from his collar bone to his rib cake. Some of his grace leaked out and he yelled, this time. "Bloody hell," He choked out, inhaling sharply. "Hm...Must have hit your vessels bone there," I spoke thoughtfully.

"You...Are vile," Balthazar breathed, and I smiled. "I try sweetums," I carved a heart on his forehead, watching as he writhed. "That's rather adorable on you," I smiled, seeing his vessels blood spill over his eye lashes and down his nose. "I'm not telling yo-Ah!" I cut him off by jamming a needle through his ear drum.

His scream echoed loudly around the dungeon cellar, and tears of pain fell down his cheeks. "I-it was for m-my collection!" He admitted, panting. "Oh my father, you are good," He huffed, grunts and whimpers escaping his lips. I hummed. "It's my job dear," I yanked out the needle and he screamed again, even louder than the first time.

I swore for a moment, I almost felt guilt creep into me. It was a feeling I hadn't had in decades. Perhaps even centuries, and it was truly disturbing. "I-I wanted, a h-hand of God, for myself," He grunted, hanging his head weakly. More of that guilt seeped into me, and I cursed at my weakness. The fool was telling the truth. He was simply selfish.

"For hells sake, that's it? All this pain for your own selfish need?" Balthazar chuckled breathlessly. "That's the gist of it," I took a deep breath and paced in front of him, considering my next move. "If I killed you, and brought you to Crowley, I could move up the chain. Maybe be his most trusted. I'd be second to royalty around here," I spoke.

Balthazar lifted his gaze to follow my movements. "But if I let you go, you'd owe me," I continued. Balthazar snorted. "Would I now? I think it would be y-you that owed m-me for the torture," He gave me a look and I rolled my eyes. "Then consider this my payment," With that, I broke his chains, and set him free.

His first move wasn't to attack me, as I'd suspected. He simply healed himself. "Interesting. Why the sudden change off heart?" Balthazar asked. Instead of answering, I took the angel blade, and stabbed it into my shoulder. Balthazar's eyes went huge "What on earth-" He took a step forward, but I shook my head, gritting my teeth at the pain.

"Don't. You have to make your escape l-look natural," I grunted, and took a deep breath. "Now hit me. Knock me out. Make it a good one. It's the least I d-deserve," Balthazar studied me, a small smile on his face. "You know I think I like you," He decided, approaching me. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for the impact.

Instead I felt soft lips on mine. My eyes shot open to see Balthazars eyes, almost smirking at me, before he closed them and deepened the kiss. I tried to stop, but ended up giving in, kissing back passionately. Soon, Balthazar pulled back, and smiled at me. "I'll be seeing you soon Y/N," I blinked in confusion. "What? How do you know my name-" With the touch of his fingers on my forehead, the world faded black.

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