Kevin- Ghost of you

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My brothers were out and I couldn't stop. I just couldn't stop crying. As soon as they left, I had burst into tears, just collapsing on the ground and sobbing. It was as if someone had flipped a switch and unleashed the damn of sorrows and self-loathing all of a sudden. The emptiness and grief I felt in my heart was almost physically painful and I couldn't take it.

It had already been a couple months since Kevin's death, but I just couldn't deal with it. It was too much and I was falling apart without him. Of course I hadn't talked about it or anything with Sam or Dean. They both already felt guilty enough about it. I always hid behind a smile with them. They didn't even seem to realize just how fake that smile was. Or how important Kevin was to me. I loved him. We had been a couple for a while, but hadn't had the chance to tell Sam or Dean. So neither of them really knew.

"It's not fair!" I wailed, curling in on myself and letting out cries of anguish. "Oh God oh God," sobbed, reaching up to clutch onto the necklace he had given me, only to find...It was gone. My heart stopped and my breath hitched. This could not be happening. "No..." I breathed, and shot up, my eyes wide. "No...No no no no no," I hiccuped, bolting to my room.

I threw the door open and stumbled inside, my eyes scanning the area, "Please please please," I begged, praying to God that I would find it. I collapsed onto my bed and tore off the blankets, throwing my pillows and shoving the entire bed away from the wall to see if it had fallen through the cracks while I was sleeping. It hadn't.

More tears spilled down my cheeks, leaving trails of despair where there once was joy. My heart was beating faster than it ever had before and fear crawled it's way into my veins. "Oh god oh god please no!" The mantra continued as I knocked down my nightstand, digging through the fallen supplies, hoping to find my necklace. The last piece of Kevin I had left.

Finding nothing, I bolted towards my desk and made a mess of everything while desperately searching for my necklace. I didn't care if I destroyed my room I needed to find my necklace. My breaths had started to come faster and I felt as though I was suffocating, my chest caving in on me as sobs continued to rake my body.

A sharp pain suddenly hit my hand and I gasped, pulling back and seeing I had cut my palm with a pair of scissors I had moved too quickly. I cringed seeing the long cut and let out a long string of curses, beginning to sob again and sinking to my knees. "K-kevin..." I whispered, my voice cracking "Oh Kevin..."

I sat there for a while, just crying, and feeling the sting of the cut on my hand. That was when the door opened. My eyes widened and my head snapped up. My brothers were back. "Shit..Fuck," I cursed, and stood on wobbly legs. Thats when I noticed just how awful a shape my room was in. Not to mention the blood from my hand had smeared across my desk, the floor and my clothes.

"Y/N we're home!" I heard Dean call out and I gave up, sinking to the floor and beginning to cry all over again. They must have heard because the next thing I knew, they were both hurrying over to my room, hovering just outside the door. "Y/N?" Sam asked, sounding worried. "Y/N..? Are you okay? Can we come in?" He continued, and I just sobbed. Within a few moments the door was swung open and I heard both of my brothers give out loud gasps.

"Y/N!" Dean rushed over to me first, his eyes filled with concern. He cupped my face in his hands, searching me over for injury. "What happened baby girl?" He asked anxiously, his eyes widening upon noticing the blood surrounding me. "Y/N?! Are you hurt?!" I simply sobbed in response and held out my hand half heartedly.

Sam inhaled sharply from where he was crouched to my left. "Y/N...I-I'll get the first aid kit," He hurried off while Dean pulled me into his arms, letting me cry against his chest. "I-it h-hurts De...It hurts so m-much!" I wailed. My oldest brother held me close, rubbing my back. "It's okay kiddo Sammy's coming with the kit to patch you up," He said, as if speaking to a child.

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