Dean (Mom reader)-A Witch Hunt Part 2

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Y/N held her child close, still on alert. The three men had lowered their weapons and their guards. If she was to make her escape now would be the perfect time to do it, but something told her these men weren't after her specifically.

"You...You're looking for my old coven aren't you?" She spoke finally, voice shaky. She put the pieces together by what she'd heard them say to each other. That had to be what they were after. "They lost control. They all chose darkness. They're doing horrible things. Things that-that hurt people. Magic isn't supposed to be used like that," She continued.

The men stayed silent for a while observing her and exchanging glances with one another, almost as if they were having a telepathic discussion.

"So you're saying that rouge witch coven we're hunting is what your...Ex family?" one of them asked and Y/N nodded

"Yes... And they're hunting us now. For not following with their delusions and mis-use of magic," She said quietly. "They wont stop until we've been....Um....Taken care of," She whispered, covering her daughters ears as she spoke, still wanting the child to remain oblivious to the horrors around them.

He frowned at this, and the one in a trench coat spoke up

"She's telling the truth," He supplied, still watching the witch with a sympathetic look in his eyes. "What's your name?"

She hesitated, biting her lip "Y/N. And this is my daughter Lola. Will...Will you help us? We have nowhere else to go...No one else to trust," Her voice cracked and she swallowed thickly. "Please I...You have no reason to trust me but for her sake..." She looked at her little one. "She's my whole world,"

The other man stepped forward and Lola whimpered, burrowing into her mother.

"It's okay baby..." Y/N soothed, stroking her hair.

He paused before slowly inching closer again and kneeling in front of Y/N and Lola "I'm Dean. Those two over there are Cas, and my brother Sam," He started, pointing at the two men. "If Cas says we can trust you, I trust him,"

"Right, because he's an Angel," Y/N spoke.

She hadn't noticed his angelic aura before with the fear and anxiety of the misunderstanding, but she could see it now. It was slightly weaker than other angels she had encountered but it was there. "I see that now,"

"Well...Let's get you two out of here and somewhere more comfortable okay?" Sam spoke up, and made his way over.

Y/N was still crouched to her daughters height, so he extended a hand and helped her to her feet. She let a small smile escape at the gesture. "Thank you,"

Dean got to his feet as well. "Let's head back to the bunker. We can keep looking for the coven tomorrow," He said to Sam and Cas who both nodded in agreement.

The car ride back was quiet and it felt very tense. Y/N's thoughts were loud and she kept an arm wrapped protectively around her sleeping princess. She was worried, but less so now. These men...She had a good feeling about them. The more time she spend around them the more she picked up on them. They were strong and firey, but kind and compassionate. Gentle even, when necessary.

The ride felt short, but Y/N figured it was because she had been wrapped up in her mind. She looked down and saw Lola had fallen asleep and smiled softly, unbuckling her and scooping her into her arms.

"Is there...Sorry she fell asleep. Can I bring her to a bed?" Y/N asked quietly. She didn't want to wake her child.

Dean was the first to notice and his lips formed the ghost of a smile as he laid eyes on the sleeping girl.

"Follow me," He spoke and lead them both into the bunker.

Y/N's eyes wandered through the space. It was nice, and full of old books, and very spacious. She liked it.

"Thank you. For....Everything," Y/N spoke as she followed the hunter to a spare bed room and gently tucked her little girl in.

"It's...It's no problem really," Deans eyes fell on Lola then found Y/N's eyes once again. "Do you want something to eat? Or a drink? No offense but you look like you could use one,"

Y/N let out a snort at that and ran a hand down her face with a little nod "Yea. Both of those sound good," She confirmed and they quietly exited the room, leaving the door a crack open just incase Lola woke.

The pair made their way to the kitchen where Dean poured them both a drink and began rummaging through the fridge for something to give her.

"We have left over pizza,"

The new voice startled Y/N and she jumped, spinning around to see Sam in the doorway. He looked a little surprised by her reaction.

"Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you," He said quickly.

Y/N took a breath and offered a small smile of reassurance. "It's okay. I...Well It will probably just take me a minute to really calm down and realize we're safe," She said a little sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck.

"No need to explain. I get it," The taller brother gave her a smile in return. "Please, sit. Cas is looking for some fresh clothes for you. We might have something that'll fit you. Though we will probably need to go shopping for Lola,"

She nodded. "Thank you,"

The three of them sat down, Dean setting a plate of microwaved left over pizza in front of her which she devoured in seconds. She couldn't remember the last time she ate. She would always give her portions to Lola whenever they managed to find food.

"Are you still hungry? We have more food," Dean offered her. She hesitated. She felt bad for taking their food.

"No..No I'm fine,"

Dean was unconvinced and stood, grabbing some more food, and a tall glass of water. "If I'm giving you booze you're gonna need this," He set the water in front of her and placed the assorment of snack foods he'd pulled out of the pantry on the table as well.

She blushed a little. Y/N wasn't used to this kind of treatment, and it felt wonderful. "Thank you. I-I truly can't thank you enough for everything,"

It was a mantra. She was filled to the brim with gratitude and wanted, no needed to express it as often as she could. These men had saved her and her daughters lives.

Once everyone was settled, and Y/N had changed into the clothes Castiel had found for her she knew it was time to get down to business.

"I'd like to help,"

The three of them turned to her obviously confused.

"Take down my Coven...That is,"

Sam was the first to speak "Y/N I don't think that's such a good idea. They want you and Lola dead. It would be much too dangerous," He spoke eyes filled with sympathy

"I understand that, but I could be useful. I know their patterns. What they do. I could help you catch them. You said so yourself they want me dead. If I go as bait, it'll lure them out and you can-"

"Absolutely not,"

Y/N looked up and saw the frown on Dean's face. "We ain't using you as bait. You know how many things could go wrong with that?" He reasoned. "Think about this Y/N. There's other ways we can go about this. But if something happens to you, think about Lola,"

Y/N stopped. She hated to admit it but Dean was right. She sighed a little and nodded. "Okay....okay. You're right. So...What's the plan?"  

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