Destiel AU-Transfer me to you

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 (A little Destiel AU  loosely inspired by a true experience. Dean works at Singers. There just so happens to be another shop called Singers in the area. Sure one of them is a mechanics shop and the other is a tattoo and piercing shop, but apparently people still fuck up and call the wrong singers on a fairly regular basis. Dean usually isn't in charge of phones at the auto shop but ends up having to transfer a call. Here's how it goes.) 

Modern technology had once again outsmarted the rather brilliant mind of Dean Winchester, only this time his incompetence was particularly embarrassing. Technically the phones at the front desk weren't by any means advanced, they were just unfamiliar territory. It shouldn't have been difficult, the buttons were pretty self explanatory. The little red light blinked tauntingly at him, but at least that showed he'd succeeded in putting the caller on hold. Step one was down, now came step two; dial the proper extension.

Dean had been warned about this, however he'd hoped he wouldn't have to deal with it. Two shops with the same name in the same small town was bound to cause confusion and mistaken calls. Garth, who regularly was in charge of desk duty, had created an extension that would aid in transferring these wayward folks from Singers Auto to Singers Tattoo and Piercing.

"Singers, how can I help you?"

Victory tasted absolutely delicious. Step two could kiss Dean's ass thank you very much

"Hi, this is Dean from Singer's auto. I got a confused caller who meant to reach out to you guy's."

There was a pause on the other end as the voice on the other end took a moment before sighing. "Sounds about right. Go ahead and transfer them."

Dean chuckled a bit. "I'll bet you're sick of this dude. I mean I don't blame ya. I'll send him your way," he continued, but immediately froze up because oh fuck, that was a whole other step he had to somehow successfully accomplish on these stupid phones.

"I can confirm that yes, however usually it happens earlier in the day. I'm surprised we made it to one without anything sooner," The voice spoke, while Dean internally slapped himself upside his own idiotic head.

"Yea? I wouldn't know, I ain't usually the one answering the phone. Alright I think I got this, just gimme a quick sec and I'll have him transferred," he managed to say, going back to glaring at the phone.

He took just a little too long in deciding what button to push, before settling on the one that was blinking, which seemed like the obvious choice. There was a beep on his end, and he waited...For what exactly, he didn't quite know.


"Ah shit it didn't work," He huffed, upon hearing the same voice of the guy from Singers Tattoo and Piercing.

Two whole seconds went by before a burst of sudden loud laughter floated through the phone. Dean's cheeks burned with embarrassment, but he couldn't help the chuckle that left his own lips. This guy's laughter seemed to be contagious.

"I-I apologize I don't mean to laugh at you I just...I needed that today," The voice spoke, and Dean could hear the smile that must have still been on the guys face.

"Nah man it's all good. Like I said, I don't usually answer the phones here, and if I do it's usually a question I can answer, not a transferring ordeal." He admitted, then cursed softly. "Looks like I lost the caller... Well... It's fine he'll-he'll live. I think."

"Your phone's can't be much different from ours...Did you miss the button conveniently labeled 'transfer'?"

Dean's cheeks burned as he happened to notice that yes, there was indeed a button labeled transfer that he had somehow managed to completely overlook.

"I-uh...I plead the fifth." he mumbled sheepishly.

The voice laughed again, which instead of making Dean feel more like a fool, actually sort of made him feel strangely accomplished. Sue him for wanting to make someone smile.

"For what it's worth technically I do need reading glasses, but I refuse to wear them because that would acknowledge the fact that I'm getting old," Dean said with a little huff.

"You can't be that old, you sure don't sound like an old man," the voice countered, and it occurred to Dean that he probably should stop referring to this guy as 'the voice'. As if reading his mind the next words out of the guy's mouth were, "I'm Castiel by the way. Usually when these calls get sent my way I end up talking to a Garth or a Charlie. It's nice to meet another of the Singer's auto employees,"

"I'm Dean...Which I already said. Ugh, still think I ain't old?" Dean rubbed his head, chuckling a bit at how discombobulated he was today. He could definitely use another coffee. Or three.

"Sounds to me like you just need a break," Castiel spoke, and Dean could still hear the smile on his face.

"Do I ever," Dean agreed. "I've been up since five am, and working since seven thirty." He wasn't sure why he felt compelled to keep the conversation flowing, but he found Castiel to be kind of a cool dude.

"That sounds awful. Did you at least get some caffeine in?"

"Not enough apparently," Dean joked. "God just hates me, it's fine,"

Castiel proceeded to make a choking sound which would have been slightly concerning had it not turned into another round of laughter. "Oh my God, and I thought Meg was dramatic," he snorted. "I-Thank you. Seriously, this phone call has been the highlight of my day."

Dean raised a brow. "Damn dude...That crappy huh?"

Castiel groaned. "Don't even get me started, it was a nightmare from the minute I woke up," he grumbled.

"Well it's pretty slow over here if you wanna talk about it," Dean offered, not exactly wanting to hang up just yet.

Castiel began to respond, but was cut off as there was a few different muffled sounds on his end of the line.

"Shit, a customer just walked in, I'm needed to do actual work now, but uh...This-I hope this isn't weird but can I give you my number?"

To Dean's mortification, his heart actually skipped as if he were some damn kid with a little growing crush. He'd only just met the guy. One could barely even call it a proper meeting considering it was all via telephone.

"Yea, no yea that-that's great!"

God really did hate him. Or at least enjoyed watching him make an absolute bafoon out of himself. Thankfully Castiel seemed to overlook his eagerness, perhaps even not notice it, which would be the preferred option.

Dean proceeded to scribble down the number, scrambling clumsily for a pen and paper. "Got it. I'll shoot you a text so you know it's me. Maybe we can grab a coffee sometime and you can tell me all about how I valiantly rescued your terrible day with my charm and idiotic tendencies,"

Cas gave out a chuckle. "Well in that case I look forward to properly meeting my knight in shining armor,"

Oh yea. Dean was gone on this one already. "Until then princess. Go help your customer," He teased, earning himself another laugh.

Not five minutes after Dean had delivered his mandatory 'Hey, this is Dean' text, he was on the receiving end.

'Hello Dean. The customer has been successfully checked in for their appointment. How does this Saturday at noon sound for coffee?'

Dean grinned to himself while typing out his own message

'Sounds perfect to me. Now I got an important question of my own to ask. Dr. Sexy or Grey's anatomy?'

There was only about five seconds until he got an answer this time.

'Dr. Sexy by a landslide. It's the cowboy boots that really take the cake'

Oh yea. This was going to work out just fine.  

(I am considering making this a book! Let me know what y'all think!)

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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