Dean - Witches are bitches who make...Switches?

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After a long hunt, Sam, Cas, Dean and I walked into the bunker, and I flopped down onto the couch, moaning. "I hate witches," I mumbled, flipping over just as the brothers sat themselves next to me, Cas remaining standing. "Me too," Sam agreed. I frowned, and sat up, thinking about that last spell she cast before she died. The boys hadn't seen it, but she put a spell on me...I had no idea what she did...And it was slightly unnerving, but I didn't want to worry the boys.

"You ok Y/N?" Sam asked, giving me a slight look of concern. I snapped out of my daze. "Huh? Oh yea! Sorry just thinking," I shrugged, and leaned against his chest. Sam stroked my hair softly, and I closed my eyes. "You're better at this than my own boyfriend is," I spoke. "Hey! That's not true!" Dean argued, and I giggled, opening my eyes to see him frowning.

I smiled, and scooted back over to him, cuddling into his side. "You always pull my hair," I informed him. "Not always," He grumbled, and began to stroke my hair, no problems involved. I smiled, and leaned in closer. Sam, Dean and I had grown up together, and where like siblings, At least, Sam and I where. Dean and I had been together for five wonderful years now.

I gave him a peck on the lips, and he smiled softly. I hopped up and stretched, giving the brothers a goodnight hug, and hugging Cas too, who pulled me aside. "Cas...?" I asked in confusion. Cas didn't say anything. He only frowned, and looked me over. "The witch...She did something to you," He spoke.

I froze. "I can sense her magic on you," He continued, his eyes narrowing. "Cas..It's nothing ok? I'll be fine. Please don't tell the boys. Especially not Dean," I begged, in a whisper. Cas sighed. "I will not tell them...But you should," He said, giving me a look. I nodded. "Ok! Just not til morning because I'm tired,"

Cas sighed again, but gave a slight nod. I smiled in reassurance, and walked out to see Dean and Sam wrestling for the T.V remote. I sighed, and waked them both on the head, grabbing it, and giving them both looks. "I had it first!" Dean claimed loudly, raising his hand up high. "No he didn't!" Sam argued.

I chuckled. "I swear you're five year olds," I mumbled, and handed Cas the remote. "I'm of to bed. Make sure they don't break anything," I told him, and he tilted his head, but gave a nod. I kissed Dean softly on the lips, and ruffled Sam's hair, going to my room and flopping down on my bed. Hopefully tomorrow I'd figure out what the witch did.


The next morning, I yawned loudly, and stretched my arms over my head, giving out a small squeaking sound. The blankets seemed softer than I remembered them, and I felt a warm body next to me. I almost screamed, but then heard a familiar rumbling laughter, and smiled to myself. "Morning sweetie," I heard Dean's voice say. I gave out a small chuckle. "Sweetie? Since when do you call me that?" I asked playfully. He had always called me beautiful or baby or sometimes honey.

"What do you mean? I always call you sweetie," he spoke, and kissed my cheek. As soon as his lips touched my skin, I knew something was wrong. Dean had scruff. He had shaved that morning, and I was sure of it, because he had cut himself and claimed to be dying. My eyes flew open, and I shot up, turning to look at Dean.

He was giving me a look of surprise, his eyebrows creased together. Thats when I realized he was wearing a suit...And the bed...Was definitely not my bed. My eyes widened significantly, and I jumped off the bed, stumbling against a white wall with beige paisley's decorating it. Definitely not the bunker.

"Princess? Are you ok?" 'Dean' said, standing, and giving me a look of concern. I felt my heart begin to beat faster. "Who the hell are you? And where am I?" I demanded. This was not my Dean. 'Dean's' eyes filled with more concern. "Daneel, you're scaring me," 'Dean' Spoke. "Ida?" I asked, incredulously. "Who the hell's Daneel?!"

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