Lucifer-Practically Strangers

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It was a slow day again at Palace coffee. Of course it would be on a Sunday evening. Closing time was not for another hourish and there was only one costumer who didn't seem to need anything other than the mug sitting beside him slowly losing its warmth. I sighed and started wiping down tables, eager for a simple task to keep me busy. To make matters worse...He hadn't come in today.

The regular who always sat at the far table, quiet and contemplative, nursing a medium roast for what felt like forever.

The first time I saw him I was attracted to him. He was definitely a handsome man there was no denying that, but there was something about the way he held himself that captivated me.
The first time I'd spoken to him he was distant. Aloof almost. You could just tell he was troubled. So i had smiled a little brighter, been a little politer. I even cracked a joke or two, hoping to offer him some sort of warmth. The way he'd looked at me was curious. He had watched me with a mixture of confusion and amusement. A hint of a smile and a breath of what sounded like the beginnings of a chuckle escaped, but that was all he offered me as he took his coffee and sat where was soon to be his regular spot. After that he kept coming. We continued our brief interactions and they began getting longer and longer. Soon he was joking around with me too. I had never even learned his name.

The ding of the bell alerted me that someone had entered. I looked up hopefully and smiled brightly. There he was. Late, but he had made it.

"Well look what the cat dragged in," I teased.

He turned and a little smile formed. It looked almost forced though and I could see something in his eyes that was different, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Nice to see you too" he sassed and made his way further inside. That was when he stumbled and caught himself on a chair with a grimace.

My heart lept to my throat. Something was wrong "Hey, woah are you...are you ok?" I asked and appeared at his side, concern in my eyes. I reached out to touch him but stopped, unsure if that would be welcomed.

"Yea yea I'm fine I'm fine" he mumbled and sank down into the closest chair
I noticed he was favoring his right side and frowned

"You're not okay. You're hurt" I whispered, heart rate accelerating. I looked around the shop to see it was finally empty, and gladly I was the only employee for the final hour tonight.
I made the executive decision to close up early and took out my keys, locking the doors hastily making my way back to his side

"Let me see where you're hurt" I spoke, leaving no room for argument.

"This is all really unnecessary I..." I cut him off

 "I'm not asking" I spoke firmly.

He looked at me, surprise coloring his features. He hadn't seen this side of me yet.
Slowly he began peeling off his jacket. There was a blooming red stain on his lower left side and I squatted down, lifting his shirt to see for myself

A gasp escaped "Oh..oh my god were you stabbed?!" I exclaimed looking at him with wide eyes



"Tha'ts what I said"

I stared at him "And just what the hell are you doing here?"

He hesitated

"I..I have nowhere else to go" he admitted.

"Not even a damn hospital?"

He shook his head "No. I cant. I just...I needed a safe place to go and I could only think of here"

My mind blanked. What the hell had this guy been through?"Jesus...fuck hospital...I'm not...I have zero experience with wounds I...fuck" I ran a shaking hand down my face "What, you don't have insurance or something?"

He considered this "Yea...something like that," he provided, rather unhelpfully.

"Christ. Okay...okay this is fine. This is great. I...I'm not...okay calm down Y/N" i muttered to myself

"Y/N huh?" The man tested out. "You know I-I don't think I knew that was your name"

I ignored him and rushed to the back pulling out the first aid kit "Ok listen this is all I have but you gotta let me help you if you're gonna refuse to go to the damn hospital like a normal person," I sassed

He let out a snort "Okay. Go for it,"

I took out hydrogen peroxide and bandages, beginning to clean his wound. He hissed and winced from time to time but I worked nonetheless. I did all I could without the proper tools or training and bandaged him up

It was silent for a while after I finished, staring at my bloody hands

"You...don't see blood often do you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No. The last time was when I...I lost someone"
Another silence fell upon us.


I scrunched my nose and looked up at him "What?"

"My name is Lucifer"

I stared. "You're kidding," 

He shook his head.

"That's...kind of unfortunate"

"You're telling me"

I swallowed "Its-Its a nice name though. Aside from the bad connotation it comes with" I offered.

More silence.

"Are you going to tell me what happend or do I have to guess?"

Lucifer sat up a little and scratched his head "No" he said simply

I fixed him with a glare "You cant just come in here and expect me not to have questions. You should be at a hospital. That could have hit an internal organ came here for a reason!"I all but blurted out.

His eyebrows raised and a smirk of amusement toyed at the corner of his mouth

"You're worried about me" he concluded

"Yea no shit!"

"Y/N. I'll be fine. All I need is rest. You just have to trust me,"

I met his eyes and studied him. He seemed to be sincere... but fuck. This was just crazy. "...Okay. I'm...I'm going to go wash up. Just...stay here. I'll bring you some water" I spoke.

Thoughts were racing through my head. Common sense was kicking my ass. I really should be taking him to a hospital but something told me for some reason it wasn't necessary. This sure as hell was not how I expected my day to end.

I went back out to meet him with a tall glass of water and sat across from him. He was already looking better, and thanked me quietly for the water as he took a sip.

"You said this was the only safe place you could think to come...why?" I finally asked, breaking the silence

Lucifer hesitated before slowly setting his glass down and lifting his gaze to meet my eyes.
"You. You're the only one who treats me a friend," he seemed to choose his words carefully.

"I...damn. Well I guess I'm glad I could offer that,"

Lucifer began to chuckle softly and shook his head "Who would have thought. Here I am cozying up to a..." he trailed off momentarily "Stranger"

"Well...we don't have to be strangers. You said so yourself. Friends," I put my hand on his.

This action seemed to make him freeze. He stared at our hands then back up at me. It was almost as if he wasn't used to being touched in a comforting or kind way.

"And...If I wanted more with you?" He tried.

My heart jumped and a smile formed on my face "Then that would be just fine with me" 

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