Chapter 26: A Second Kiss

Start from the beginning

        "Hey, Steven! Greg," you said, nodding at his dad. The older man grinned at you, walking away to give you and his son some privacy. You noticed that almost everyone in town was around as well. "Another one of Sour Cream's raves," you asked, glancing over at the white-haired teenager. Steven giggled, pulling on your arm.

        "Yeah! He wasn't planning on having it on the beach at first, but he changed his mind." You nodded slowly, sitting down in the sand with the young boy. "I haven't talked to you in a while though, (y/n)! How have you been?"

        "I spoke to you a couple days ago! When you were floating and whatnot," you said with a giggle. "But I'm doing fine, Steven. Thank you for asking." He chuckled as you ruffled his hair, leaning his shoulder against your arm.

        "That's good. How about Jasper? Is she okay?" You sighed softly, looking up at the dark sky.

        "Yeah...I think so."

        "You don't seem so something wrong," Steven asked, resting his hand on your knee.

        "Jasper and I...haven't really spoken to each other since the Fourth of July," you admitted, looking out at the dark ocean waves. The youngest of the Crystal Gems gasped, turning in the sand to face you fully.

        "What?! What happened?!"

        "Jasper's changed, Steven. She really has. She's super sweet and caring...but I didn't feel right lying to her like that. So—I told her the truth. About why I was keeping her cooped up in the house and why whenever we went somewhere it wasn't in town," you explained softly, gripping the sand between your fingers. "Of course she was more than angry with me for lying. She even believes that you ordered me to change her to protect you and the rest of the gems."

         ", I would never do that! I just—I really believed you could, and you did and now she's upset with you...this is my fault." You turned to look at Steven, wrapping your arm around his neck.

        "It isn't your fault, Steven. I was the one that picked up her gem and hid it. You didn't even know I had it until later." He sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

        "I you think I should tell the gems," he asked nervously. "Jasper could come after us at any moment, and we wouldn't be prepared! I don't want my family to get hurt, (y/n)."

        "I don't want you or the gems to get hurt either but...I don't believe Jasper even knows your exact location. She's been in her room most of the time since our fight, and I might be bias, but I truly believe she's given up the whole 'destroy the Crystal Gems' thing. She hasn't talked about it or you guys in a while."

        "I still feel like I should let the gems know just in case...I just don't know how I'll tell them," Steven said, groaning. "'Hey guys! (Y/n) and I have been keeping a big secret from you for a month or so now and you won't believe what it is!'" You and the younger gem shared a laugh, sighing afterward.

        "Do what you have to Steven but...I just want you to know that I'll protect her from you guys just as much as you'll protect the gems from her." The boy nodded once, standing up and brushing himself off. You stood up with him, doing the same.

        "I understand, (y/n). Do what you think is right," he said, hugging your waist. You hugged him back, chuckling quietly.

         "You too, champ."

        "Get home safe, okay! Have a good night," he said before running back towards everyone else, waving at you. You waved back at him with a smile, making your way towards your home.

Jasper x Fem! Reader (NOT FINISHED, may continue at a later date)Where stories live. Discover now