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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


After a wild night of being chained in an attic I felt a bliss I had not felt in such a long time. The uncomfortableness of silver chain wristbands and silver collar is all precaution. Mr Blanchard trusts me enough to let me loose among his land but I had felt a need to stay cooped up. Which I as my wolf self do not enjoy in the least. However this morning I began to appreciate things around me and even appreciated Charles though I did not verbally make that clear. One way or another he would suspect it in his unnatural magical way like he suspected that I was ill this morning. That maybe I knocked my head on something which I suppose was fair enough. He nearly had a heart attack when I decided to have a morning stroll in the beautiful world outdoors.

Charles dropped his journal onto the dining table looking at me queerly with his golden hair flopping over his eyes. "Are you serious?"

"Yes." I said pulling on my coat. "I'm heading down to the market."

"Well while you're there buy me some ingredients." He ripped out a page and scribbled down some notes before handling his little mauve pouch with his money. Fed up with counting he passed me the whole bag. "Buy yourself something nice."

"Oh thank you dear husband." I remarked dully.

"It is my duty to care for the ones I love. Now you still haven't told me why you're going out... In the morning. Before noon." He pulled out a golden watch. "Before 10."

"If you're worried I'm going to mark my territory I can relieve on the fact I just marked your carpet up in the attic." And with that I left.

The last time I was this happy it was my fourteenth birthday. It was finally the day my dad would take me hunting with him, with the higher ranks of the Pack. I was finally old enough to earn my place in the pack and I had being anxious to do it. I was determined to make my father pleased with me. I had always wanted to make my father proud of me, I was his favourite and that is why my brother envied me. Everyone had loved me before I had proven myself worthy enough to be a leader, their leader. That was a good day, one of my fondest memories. Who knew new it was all going to be for nothing? I looked at my reflection in some hat shop window and growled at the depressing thought. 

"We're all doomed!" Someone shouted knocking into me but with my strength he fell to the ground. And unfazed he shot right back up, the old worm clung onto my shirt as if life depended on it. With a gapped teeth he shouted. "Loup-garou... They're back!" He ripped himself off me. "They'll eat our young!" He screamed a woman and her suitor scaring the young lady and making the gentleman scowl. I looked down at where he fell and noticed a poster with poorly sketched drawing of a demonic wolf and picked it up for further analysis. The loup-garou. I felt nauseous even thinking about them. I haven't seen one of those creatures in years. They're not even real werewolves just demon pups with horrendous diets. They will bite at any flesh they get their fangs on. The close inspection forced my claws to start growing out in anger.

I know I kept myself in check last night of a rich and vicious full moon. Which only means my foolish brother has conquered and scared the hopes out of the humans again.

"Luna..." I whispered worriedly.


My heart beat wouldn't stop racing until I arrived at the gates of Luna's manor. The great black iron gates that I could tear through myself and expected there to be destruction and blood not blooming rose gardens and even a whistling gardener.

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