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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Under drenched trees holding up a misty night sky, my eyes snapped open abruptly. I took a deep intake of breath and felt the sticky earth under my fingertips. I lifted myself up into a sitting position and found my chemise in tatters and an uncomfortable little rock in my fingernail. The fog is too thick to see through but I sense someone is out there watching me. I can sense them close and feel them circling the area as if they were on patrol and despite the harsh wind I can hear the heavy breathing, angry breathing.

'Where are you Luna?'

"Alpha?" I whispered confused. How did I get out here? Did he drag me out from grandmother's? Is that why my chemise is shredded? I suddenly realised the hands I have aren't even my own and my breathing hitched.

'Why haven't you come?'

"I'm here now." I said aloud.

'My Luna never came. Why didn't you come to me Luna?'

"I'm here!" I heard a wolfy whimper then saw the large vile figure with golden orbs through the fog. "I'm sorry." He growled at me pushing his body up so he stood on his hind legs. "Alpha?" I repeated frightened and found myself pushing up to a stand.

'She lied to me.' He snarled at me.

"It's me!" I cried out. He snarled at me again and leaped to attack.


I woke gasping for air and I found myself in my own bed back home, the little rock not under my nail and my dress all in one piece. For awhile I just stared at the ceiling to recover from such a realistic nightmare and eased my breathing.

Just a dream.

Just a dream.

I rolled over, slightly whimpering when the heavy sunlight hit my eyes through the crack of the curtain. "Just a dream..." I whispered. But too real. Too true. Usually when I have a nightmare I know it's just something I can wake up from but I felt so trapped and his breath felt and smelt all too real.

Loud snoring startled me and I rolled over looking at Marilyn lying on her stomach right next to me in a big emerald gown. The same thing she wore last night when they all bombarded me! Satine is dressed in black pants and blouse, all curled up around my feet at the end of my bed. Then there's Valerie, dressed the same as Satine however nowhere near me. She's sleeping on the window pane in a sitting position one would imagine to be completely uncomfortable.

"Lu are you alright?" Marilyn whispered. I lay back down and faced her with my hands under my head. "What was the nightmare about?" She asked recognising my fear.

Drowsily I replied. "He killed someone. I thought it was me but he was calling out as if I wasn't there."

"Were you watching him murder someone?"

"No it was more like I was seeing through the eyes of his victim." I pictured his teeth. That set of sharpened daggers that enclosed around my neck. I winced. "You should have let me go."

"I wanted to but Valerie wouldn't have it."

"What kind of sentence is that? You sound like a child. And since when is she in charge of us?" I spat raising y voice and she hushed me.

She eyed at the other two as they lightly snored before looking back at me. "It's difficult to explain Luna. You wouldn't understand."

"That's an I satisfying answer."

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