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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


I woke up to what could be hours later. I can't tell in such a dark room especially with the fire out. I felt slightly out of ease as my eyes looked into the darkness and I decided that I no longer want to be alone. The fever has not ceased to torment and my head is still splitting while there's that unbearable ringing sound in my ear.

A voice called my name, then the wind rustling outside sang it while rattling the windows and scaring my weak heart. My eyes widened as I sensed an unwelcome presence trespass on Crowly's property and brought the sheets up to my chin. The windows burst open and rain poured in while lightening struck revealing for a split second the figure of a monster.

I shook in terror as the creature swept forward on the bed, claws tearing the sheets and golden eyes staring at me with a pained heated gaze.

I crawled back into the headboard holding up my weak arm as my only defence but I gasped in realisation. "Sam?" He whimpered. His clawed deformed hand grabbing my chemise and accidentally tugged it down baring my shoulder. I think he really meant to pull me closer but I heard a rip of the material and he collapsed on top of me burying his head in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him digging my nails into his pelt crying overjoyed. "I knew it. I knew you were alright." He relaxed in my arms and I relaxed back into the bed feeling the weakening mist overcome the both of us.



"Ah!" I jolted from another nightmare but as soon as I awoke I fell back into the pillow shutting my eyes. The sweet smell of honey and lavender relaxed me and I burrowed into the source of the smell running my fingers soft silky threads as my inner beast rested from the fright. A rhythmic beat played and a warming breeze fanned my face as someone's slender body curled into my chest.

My eyes snapped open and I realised who I was holding onto. Who I am sharing a bed with while completely bare yet not vulnerable. The complete opposite for I'm comfortable just lying here close to her naked or not.

I got up.

I searched the room for some clothes and found that the room was full of them. Smaller men's clothes made to fit a skinnier possibly weaker male.

Makes sense.

What's with his smell? He smells like a baby.

Why is she even here? In his house! Why not with her family? Or better yet with her friends where I was kept. And why in his bed? He hasn't been in it I can tell from the smell and that's slightly comforting. Though I suppose he's not one to take advantage of a sick woman.

I took in her delicate yet curvaceous form on the bed, her chocolate hair was splayed around her and her shiny skin was drenched in her sweat. I sat down on the bed staring intently at her sick state and took her wrist to check her pulse. Unable to get a proper beat I panicked and held my ear above her chest listening to her heart drumming weakly.

"Luna?" She groaned in reply scrunching her nose and turning over to continue sleeping. I sighed in relief pulling the torn up sheets to cover her and leaned on her legs to watch her sleep. I tilted my head revelling the sight of her. Her dark pink lips suddenly became irresistible and I caught myself before I leaned in for a kiss. The questions have remained and the shame of failure is still stinging like poison. Why did you run to him? What do you see that I don't? How was it that at the brink of death your voice found me? "I have to thank you." I whispered. "You didn't help in action but your soul reached out to heal mine. It curled around my dark blackening self with its warm light and eased it out of the pain." I looked away and spat distastefully. "But your trick doesn't last an eternity."

"I still am bound to the darkness that haunts me. I will forever be chained to it and your protection will now be the first thought in my mind. If your voice were to be my comfort until I finally complete my life's mission I would be forever your servant." I looked back at her. She was still asleep. I shifted so I was closer to her face and I moved my head forward drawing my lips closer to her cheek but a new scent set my anger alight. My nostrils flared and I flung myself away from the bed.

She let them kiss her. I smell them both on her face. That stupid human boy and my disgusting brother.

I couldn't get angry over my brother for what choice did she have, he is a monster and she is a weakling. As for the human male, I snicker. I see a fool, a lost, pathetic little boy. There is nothing to be mad at with a thing like him he could never earn her heart. She is too strong willed and bright for a such a peasant. What does it matter to me of her affections? She's allowed to fall for whoever she likes in fact she needs someone to hold her down before she goes rampant and accidentally kills herself. But the provoking idea of that petty being: Mr Bloomwood. Taking her heart and her gladly offering it made a growl escape my lips.

She's too good for him.

She's too good for us wolves as well.

She's better off with him though. He would treat her right besides she needs just a normal human mate.

Her lips parted slightly, she whispered my name in her sleep and a wave of unfamiliar emotions set me in mental turmoil.

I shouldn't be upset, I shouldn't care. But I do, so I left.

And then because I care

I came back.



The servants opened the door and there stood the last person I expected to see drenched from the rain. "Mr Nightly?"

He stuttered and ran a hand through his soaking wet hair slicking it back so I could see the shape of his skull. His jaw was set and his eyes stared right through us as if targeting on space behind us. "Bloomy uh... Mr Bloomwood." He sniffled. His Adam's apple bobbed and a exasperated sigh escaped his mouth.

"Uh..." I looked him up and down nothing his hands clench and unclench. I am suddenly reluctant on inviting him inside and from his brightening eyes he must know that. "What is your business here?"

He titled his head the glowing eyes darkening. "Why do you think little boy?"

"Pardon me but from where were you two acquainted?" Evan asked looking between the two of us confused.

"He is Luna's cousin." I said not breaking my gaze from Mr Nightly for fear if I did that he could slip past me. The basic protective instinct and the strong distrust I accidentally made obvious to him.

"Distant cousin," he finally directed his eyes to Evan. "More like a family friend." We were silent and just stood there drowning in the awkwardness until finally. "May I see her?"

"I didn't realise she was expecting..." He interrupted me losing patience. "She wasn't." He abruptly walked in knocking his shoulder into mine and almost toppling Evan to the floor.

Evan looked at me then started after him outraged. "Now wait a minute!"

"You cannot enter a gentleman's house uninvited like that." I finished for him. From the staircase he roared in laughter and glared down at the two of us with a sinister grin.

"Why are you carrying swords?" He asked then continued to walk up.

"Mr Nightly stop right there."

"Which room is she in?" He replied unaffected. He pointed his chin to the ceiling and I watched him suck in a deep breath through his nose.

My hand snapped to the hilt of my sword. It couldn't be possible although I had highly suspected that he was. "If you do not leave this house I will use force."

"You lack conviction." He replied with a lecherous grin.

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