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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos 


Sam stormed in locking the bedroom door and pulling the bureau in front of it. I stared up at him confused. "Weren't you just..." I looked down at myself. The sheets are torn, there's dirt and blood everywhere explaining to me that it wasn't a dream. I slept with Sam last night. How on earth are we going to hide this?

"Let's go before Bloomy gets here." On cue Curtis's shouts were heard on the other side of the door. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. What did he do?

"What? What is happening?" I swung my legs over the bed and sat up holding my heavy head. He killed someone. That's all I can come up with at the moment. I gasped silently to myself. Was it Evan?

"I'll help you out the window." When he said that I knew he had lost the plot. He stormed towards it swinging windows open so rain came pouring in and the wind rattled my spine.

"You're not going to kidnap me!" I hissed.

"Why?" I fell perplexed on his confusion.

"Why? Why?! Honestly? Sam what is wrong with you? Someone has to be the voice of reason." He knelt down before me his face meeting mine, his eyes burning into mine. Heat rushed to my face not that I wasn't hot enough.

"This house makes my skin crawl. I do not trust these people..." He said in a whisper holding my hand tightly. Almost a death grip.

"You're afraid."

"I'm not afraid of anything." He said quickly.

I grew stern. "Samson open the door so I can save both our skins."

He didn't move. "What will you say?"

"The truth."

"What truth?"

"That you're not all there in the head." I pushed myself up into a stand but I wobbled and grabbed his forearm for safety. "The fever is going." I said loudly. "Thank you so much for your concern dear cousin but you're being slightly dramatic in your behaviour. Please unlock the door you're embarrassing me." Sam suddenly wore a funny look of penitence as if he felt he had failed to do something again. But he helped me to my feet grabbing my waist ungraciously and pinned me to his side. "Pass me the robe."

"You're not wearing his robe."

"Would you rather they see me like this?" I gestured to my flimsy nightdress that was still slightly torn from his rough paws. His eyes stayed on my body too long that I covered myself pathetically with my arms. He unwillingly grabbed the large burgundy robe from the chair and fitted me in till I was completely covered.

Then I ordered him to remove the bureau. "No."

"Oh just do it." I had to put all my weight on him though to keep myself standing which gave him excuse not to move and hold me close. "No you're right we can't. The bed." I looked at it horrified. He lifted me up and placed me back in it rearranging the blankets so some muck was covered. Something in his head head clicked that he just had to pull out the sheet and throw it out he window before tucking me in. "Nice one Sam." I said sardonically. "Now unblock the door."

"What do you need to see them for?"

"I'm in their house."

"And they run it as if some murderer is about to run in and try to kill you."

Knowing my luck.

"They're afraid that's all." I tried to sound understanding.

I only seemed to anger him. "Of me?"

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