
420 36 3

© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Decided to publish a chapter a day early :) Vote Comment Share Love Live Stay positive with whatever you're doing.


She's looking at me.

Not with fear of my horrifying form.

Not with disgust.

But not with admiration either.

She is watching me in acceptance... As if she knows what's about to happen and that there is nothing she can do but wait for impact. She pressed her back up against the building as the rest of the men stared at me with bodies trembling. The fur along my spine stood on ends while I snarled baring sharp fangs ready for the bite.

The smell of her blood hit me and I listened to a single drop of it drip down from her hand onto the stone. They hurt her. The fact made my blood boil and what is making me angrier is that they're standing in her defence as if I'm the bad guy.

The Big Bad Wolf.

Before I kill them there's one thing I want to admit to her.

'You have one pretty howl little moon.' I focused my attention to the men who are holding guns in their hands except for one who is using a crossbow.

"What's he doing out in the city!?"

"Shoot him!"



The scream caught in my throat as Sam's gigantic form dodged the bullets by zigzagging his way towards us.

Despite my fear I couldn't help but question. "I thought they only changed on full moon?" One of them heard me and I just didn't look at him.

"Hell no there's no way I'm dying tonight!" One of the men turned and ran.

"You coward!" Silver eyes shouted but ran with him pulling the one who defended me with him. However he resisted and rushed over to me. I glared at the chest groper in warning. He read my face plain and clear. Do. Not. Touch. Me.

"We can not just leave her!" My 'defender' forcefully dragged me along by my wrist and I heard Sam growl in rage behind us. This is only making him mad. If he can shift without full moon he is more of a danger to us all. Running is not going to help. I don't know why but I feel like I can only calm him down. "Let me go!" I cried out trying to pull out from his grip.

"Are you insane?" The man holding me snapped and then snaked his arm around my waist pulling me aside down another street forcing me to keep running. "This is a monster!"

I threw his arm off me and tried to turn back. "Save yourself then."I yelped as he gripped my wrist again and dragged me with him. I hear the sound of running water and as we ran further I saw one of the city's streams. "You've led us to a dead end."

"You cannot be this dense."

I glared at him still running with him. "He's following me not you."

He glared back at me as if I'm an ignorant child. God I hate that glare! "More reason to help you escape."

"I don't need your..." I screamed slipping down on my butt as shadow flew down in front of us. "Alpha." I breathed while a giant black wolf stood in our way.

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