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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos

Inside the mansion, with its opulent rooms painted in gold and red with matching fine furniture I found it to be rather disturbingly quiet. I don't think I'm actually allowed to be inside but I've come so further in, it would be pointless to just back out now. Unless of course the bearded creeper had left anyway not enjoying the party. I caught a shadow pass the doorway and I immediately passed through to follow.

"Slag." I recognised the voice to being Mr Crowly's. As I glanced over my shoulder there he was in his golden skull mask leering at me from the doorway.

"Ass licker." I whispered back but kept my fast pace to catch up to the bearded creeper.

"Where do you think you're going?" Evan continued determinedly.

"I believe that to be my business." I replied coolly. Leave me alone.

"I bet you're up to no good. Go on admit it!"

"Admit what? That I need to do some lady business?"

He cringed. "God you're disgusting."

"By all means Mr Crowly Duke of everything rotten and stale. Leave."

"Luna?" We froze. That was Curtis, we both knew it and somehow Evan's mood seemed to darken more. He stormed up to me standing over me in a threatening stance and I stood just as tall yet still too short to be of any trouble but if all comes to worse I'll just kick his precious jewels.

"You are to stop tempting Curtis. I will not have him fall into your trap, into your seductive revolting world of no morality." For once he had rendered me speechless. "Am I in any way unclear?"

"What do you mean my seductive... What?"

"Don't play dumb with me I know you're game. You're using him to spite me and then you're going to break his heart so I will be left to heal him!"

"You think you're capable of that kind of kindness and that type of unselfishness? Evan you can barely manage a friendly hello."

"I can be kind!"

"Yes because you're so pleasant now."

"Only to you Luna, you are the thorn in my side, always have been always will be."

"What have I ever done to you?"

"Just by breathing do you mock me." He looks savage in the mask and I feel as if the golden fangs will be used to stab me.

"Grow up." The sound of a door closing from above us stopped him from replying. "Looks like I'm not the only one sneaking around."

"I didn't hear anything." He quickly said gripping my forearm.

"Unhand me."

"Come along Ms Mystique."

"You heard it to." I accused. He suddenly gripped both of shoulders forcefully and made me shamefully squeak as he shook me.

"Evan! What are you doing to Ms Mystique?" We turned our heads to look at Curtis. His mask was off and he wore an angered expression that didn't suit well with him at all.

"She's gone lunatic." Evan spat.

"Oh you're so clever." I spat ripping myself away.

"She was lurking around suspiciously."

"I am hardly behaving suspiciously. In fact you're the one following me around like some wild animal."

"Oh you want to talk about wild animals!"

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