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© Claimed By Him ~ Elektra Orfanos


There is absolutely nothing on werewolves in this place.

How can that be? No I need more information! If I talk to the girls they'll get suspicious.

My fingers ran along hardwood shelf as I pictured his ferocious bright eyes glaring down at me from the foot of my bed. Why would I imagine that? Why would my mind be so cruel as to make up that image?

"This is ridiculous." I whispered. I knocked my head against the book's spines sighing in irritation. This can't be it! So many stories are told of the beast you would think there would be a book on how to take him. I guess no one is as thick as me to walk down that slippery lane. It was foolish of me to assume the library would have anything. Even the librarian looked at me as if I were insane when I questioned if they had a mythology section. Either that or he was surprised there was a young girl alone daring to widen her knowledge.

Suddenly I overheard a familiar voice from the aisle next me. I flinched at Curtis's voice as he whispered some nonsense to someone or maybe he is actually crazy and talking to himself. I peeked through the top of the books and the shelf and realised my great nemesis and Curtis are here dressed in all black portraying death's ever so scary soldiers. Not looking too unattractive except I think Evan's scowl is rubbing off onto Curtis's face.

What would Evan be doing in a library he is hardly the reading type?

That would mean he has some intelligence. Wait, yes sadly that does make sense since his insults sting worse than whips on the behind. I would know...

He would have to be smart to come up with the venom that drips out from that mouth.

"What were you doing with her?" Evan questioned. Oh I wonder who he is talking about? The queen of France and founder of wigs with ships in them? The crazy cat lady that keeps training her cats to poop in our garden? No? Oh who then? Oh right! Me. Yay...

Finally Curtis replied slamming a book shut. "We went out with her friends, I wanted to get to know her better. After what you said to her... That was horrible." I wouldn't use the word horrible since he took pleasure of my brother's death but good enough I suppose.

"Twas the point." Evan said casually as if it were nothing.

"I don't understand why you don't like her she seems like such a nice girl. We had loads of fun."

"Why would I ever like her? And why would you want to get to know her? She is scum." I dug my gloved fingers into my palms. I am scum? I am scum!

"Takes one to know one you ass licker." I whispered angrily then trudged down the aisle. I had to pass their section to get to the exit and immediately Curtis took notice of me. I don't know how he did but he did!

"Luna?" I pretended not hear and continued walking to the spiral staircase to get to the first floor. I grabbed the railing just as he leaned on my back almost toppling us both over. "Luna, not so fast I think I might throw up." I turned and held him up by his shoulders noticing how sick he looks.

I silently laughed. "How is the hangover treating you?" I'll be nice to him. He's done nothing wrong to me. He kind of reminds me of Michael.

"Not too well." He admitted. He took my hand in his and brushed his lips over my knuckles. I can feel his breath seep through my glove warming my skin underneath and I pulled it away awkwardly. Too many men are invading my personal space and I don't know how long I will stand for it. I've got to stop being so easy to go up to. I gazed over Curtis's shoulder wondering where Evan went and why he hasn't blessed me with his presence.

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