25: contract

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Jungkook stood up putting Taehyung behind him as he glared at Seongi.

"you are a dead man" jungkook said. He will kill everyone that tries to steal Taehyung. He will hurt anyone that brings taehyung pain. He will do everything for the hybrid if he asked.

"give back my pet" seongi said

"he isnt a fucking PET" jungkook said angry and got his gun pointing at seongi who immediately stopped walking.

"he belongs to me"

"no he doesn't, you were cheating "

"well i may have made a deal with the company. They are not so legal as you may think, Jungkook"

"what do you mean?"

"they take money just like mine. They manipulate buyers, they don't follow rules. And besides they mistreat hybrids badly." seongi chuckled.

"I will still not allow you to have MY fucking boyfriend" jungkook said and shot Seongi's leg making him scream and fall on his knees.

"he is mine now, he isn't under Jeon's name anymore" seongi said keeping a smile on his face.

"he will be. Sign the contract" Jungkook said taking out a paper from his pocket.

"where did you get that.." seongi's smile disappeared. He tried to snatch the paper away but Jungkook was faster and pulled it back.

"nah ah, look with your eyes" jungkook said.

"where did you get it!?"

"i have good friends, they are the best. And you are just the worst at hiding things" jungkook lifted a brow teasingly. He wanted to annoy him before killing him.

"fuck you"

"im a top, so no"

Seongi scoffed and tried to stand up but his leg hurted too much.

"now sign it" jungkook threw a pen at seongi's face while keeping him at gunpoint.

He had the contract under his shoe so the man couldn't take it.

"stupid things. Why do you got to be like this let others have their fun too" seongi complained.

"i enjoy being the best a lot, so no"

Taehyung stood there looking at jungkook. He loved that man so so much.

He loved him back right?

Then why didn't he want to marry....

Taehyung sighed and looked down.

"done, now let me go"

"hm...Maybe, Tae lets go. I will burn him with the house." he shot seongi another time in his shoulder and walked to the door.

Taehyung looked at seongi who was rolling on the floor in pain before hurrying after Jungkook to the door.

"if i can't have one thing, then you can't have it either!"

They heard Seongi about. Jungkook turned around so fast and his eyes widen. Seongi had a gun pointed at taehyung.

The hybrid turned around and noticed it.


Jungkook pushed Taehyung out of the way.

but not fast enough.

He heard a gasp and then a loud thud.

"FUCK YOU, YOU BASTARD" jungkook shouted and shot seongi multiple times in his head and chest. Emptying his gun.

He then quickly crouched down next to taehyung. Looking panicked what to do.

Taehyung was clutching his side as his hands were shaking. He looked scared.

"t-tae let me see" jungkook tried to keep his voice stable. He didn't know what the bullet had hit.

Taehyung wouldn't move his hands but seeing the blood Jungkook removed the boy's hands with force and pulled up his shirt

He let out a relieved sigh. It was a flesh wound. It could have been so much worse. This will be fine, he will heal.

"hurts kookie. H-hurts a lot" taehyung said.

"i know i know. Just relax. You will be fine, Jin will fix it" jungkook said stroking taehyung's hair gently to calm him down. His other hand pressing the wound closed.

"y-you love me right?" taehyung asked.

"of course i do!"

"you are not u-using me right?"

"no. Why are you asking this? What did seongi tell you?" jungkook frowned.

"t-that you didn't love me. That you are using me for pleasure" taehyung started crying wich made the wound bleed more from the sobs.

"hey hey don't cry, not now" jungkook said pressing harder. He saw Jimin and Hoseok run to him.

"p-please love me" taehyung said.

"i do love you, i always love you. I swear. I'm not using you. You are my precious baby and lover" jungkook said pecking taehyung's lips.

"Jin is here" hoseok said and made room for Jin. The oldest Immediately opened his bag and asked jungkook to move.

"okay give me a moment" Jin said and started to clean the wound with water and disinfectant.


"let's go home" Jungkook said while he carried Taehyung in his arms. The boy had passed out while Jin was treating the wounds.

Taehyung was going to be fine he just needed to be careful not to open the wound.

"what are we doing with the contract?" Namjoon asked looking at it. It had some blood splatters on it.

"let Jimin handle that, we will focus on something else" jungkook save a smile and a wink.

"aah right, of course hehe" Namjoon got the hint.


How easy lol

Thanks for reading, see u at the next chapter!


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