20: back

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Taehyung kicked his legs and shook his head as he was pulled over the floor at the leash. He tried to hold on to the doorpost when they passed it.

Holding it for dear life.

"let go" Han said and yanked at the leash making taehyung gasp unable to breath from the pull and let go.

He gave up and tried something new. He layed limp on the ground giving Han a hard time pulling the hybrid over the ground after him.

"jesus this one is such a pain" han complained. "your behaviour needs to change"

Suddenly they entered a room. The door closed and taehyung's ears snapped up when a voice spoke.

He will never forget that voice.

"Dongsun here he is" Han said and dropped the leash.

Dongsun grinned looking at the hybrid that had returned.

"sit up V" he said stern. He had heard that taehyung was showing bad and free behavior which Dongsun didn't like at all.

Taehyung tensed hearing that tone and he slowly did as told. Sitting on his knees.

"welcome back my lovely subject, V" Dongsun said kneeling down in front of Taehyung. Taehyung clutched Jungkook's shirt tightly while looking down.

He wanted to go home.

"does he still have the mark?" he then asked looking up at the men that brought the hybrid in.

The two men shrugged.

"check it" Dongsun said and stood up stepping back.

Han and the other man walked to taehyung. One grabbed his arms and pinned them to the floor

"stay still" one said as he tugged taehyung's pants down pushing his leg open.

"hmm. It's still there but faintly.....It needs to be redone" Dongsun said looking at the mark on taehyung's inner thigh that said, V.

"w-what?" taehyungs eyes widen.

"that's right, take V to the fireplace. We will renew his marking" dongsun pointed to the fire that was in his office. Then he walked to a drawer searching for Taehyung's personal Name making tip.

"ah here it is" he said looking at the small iron V shaped object.

He placed it on the long iron stick and held it in the fire.

"p-please dont, its fine its fine" taehyung said struggling in the man's grip. He didn't want to do that again. It hurts.

"just takes a second." Dongsun said and took out the now red hot branding tool.

"no no!" taehyung said and tried to get free but it was no use.

He screamed when the hot iron came it contact with his healed skin right over the old one. It hurted so bad.

"see it wasnt that bad. Now you can get ready for the sales again" Dongsun grinned letting the iron cool in a bucket water.

He gave a nod to Han who carried taehyung away with the other man.

They threw Taehyung in his room. He remembered he grew up here. There was still one small bed with a blanket and pillow.

A toilet which had a piece of a wall to hide it for a part.

Table with a chair. And that was it. Every hybrid here just waited until they are bought and taken to their 'master' or 'owner'

Lot of them liked to be bought or hired. To be away from here.

But taehyung didn't. For him Jungkook was where he wanted to go.

Jungkook was his home, he didn't belong here.

Taehyung silently let his tears fall when the realisation hit him.

He was back at 0..he was back and will be up for sale. He didn't like this.

"taetae sad" he said to himself and stood up walking to the bed. He curled himself inside jungkook's shirt as far he was able to.


"V get up!" someone said taehyung was startled by the loud voice. He had fallen asleep.


"get over here and follow" the man said interrupting taehyung.

The hybrid obeyed getting out of bed and following the man.

He knew what will happen if he didnt...

"we need to make new photos" Dongsun said with a grin. "put him there, all nice and pretty"

The man did as his boss told and pushed taehyung in front of the white painted wall.

"stay still" Dongsun said and got behind the camera. "smile for me"

Taehyung didn't smile

Dongsun sighed looking at the photo. "always the same with you, smile V"

Taehyung didn't want to smile. These were not nice people. They didn't deserve his smile.

"i said fucking smile you stupid rat!" Dongsun walked to taehyung and slapped him.

Taehyung gasped and placed a hand on his cheek looking up with sad eyes.

"now smile" Dongsun said his happy mood gone.

And taehyung did. Forcing a smile on his face for the photo.

After they made a lot of new pictures of taehyung they placed him back in his room.


"Jesus Jungkook calm down!" Jin said blocking the younger from throwing his laptop at the wall.

At the same time Jimin flinched who was cleaning the shards and water from the vase Jungkook threw earlier.

He thought jungkook was going to throw the laptop at him.

"no i will not calm down. I have to fucking get MY Taehyung back!" jungkook shouted trying to pull his laptop from Jin's hands

"i know, at least stop throwing stuff" Jin said and snatched the laptop away putting it on the table.


"why, just wait your time and then buy him back"

"what if someone buys him before me?! im stressing right here!"

"stop shouting, my brain hurts" yoongi said rubbing his forehead.

"we will try with you. Whenever he is put in the store we will reserve it"

"okay..I guess"

"good, now just pay your bill and you can always go to the store and check up on him as a customer."

"then im going right now" jungkook said immediately waking away.

"its closed. What time zone do you live" Jimin said walking by with the shards he cleaned from the floor.

"fine then i'm going tomorrow as soon it opens" jungkook walked back after he indeed saw it was way to late and they were already closed.



Thank you for reading, see u at the next chapter


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