24: Jungkook

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Taehyung sat on the ground silently crying. He was thinking of all that seongi said.

He hoped so bad that it wasn't true. But he didnt know for sure anymore. Why wouldn't Jungkook be happy if taehyung said he would like to marry?

What if it was true what seongi said..

Taehyung wanted to be happy, and once again it was taken from him.

He let out a small sob quickly covering his mouth.

"shut it i said!" a man said. And pulled taehyung forward at the leash that was attached at the hybrids collar.

Taehyung groaned and went to grab the collar that was hurting his neck. But the man kicked his hands away.

"ow" taehyung said rubbing his hand.

"you stay silent until the boss comes back."

"well i'm here now" seongi appeared in the doorway with a grin looking at Taehyung. "ah such a pretty hybrid. You can bring me lots of money. I already have people that are interested"

Taehyung didn't respond staying silent. Seongi hummed and walked to his desk sitting down.

"come here V" he said from his seat.

Taehyung waited a few seconds but seeing the guard raise his hand he was quick to stand up and walk to seongi.

"good. Now clean this mess" seongi pointed at the floor.

"there is nothing?" taehyung said a bit confused.

Seongi pushed his glass over the edge making it fall on the floor and shatter into pieces.

"oh how unfortunate...." he chuckled "clean it. Be useful"


"with your hands of course, make it quick" seongi grinned and smacked taehyung's ass. The hybrid stepped away to the other side while giving Seongi a frown and kneeled down and.

"you changed since i first saw you. Your behaviour is worse..."

"im not bad...I'm good"

"no V, you are not a good boy. You should obey everything i tell you to without complaining" seongi leaned forward looking at taehyung.

"no, being k-kind is goo-"

"being kind doesn't help you. does it? It annoys me" seongi said and gripped taehyung's hair harsly pulling him forward.

Taehyung's stumbled from his position and his knees got on the glass making a cut. He whimpered feeling the sting in his knees.

"can't even handle a small cut, weak and useless" seongi said. "luckily you are worth a lot"


Taehyung sat next to seongi in complete silence. You didn't even hear him breathing. He sat on his knees and hands folded on his lap. Staring at the floor.

His wrists had handcuffs to limit his movements.

"B-boss!" a guard barged in painting.

"what?!" seongi said annoyed..

"t-there is someone attacking us!"

"what the fuck!?" seongi Jumped up and looked at Taehyung.

"you..." he said and approached the hybrid that looked up with wide confused and scared eyes.

"if this goes bad. You will pay for it"

"w-what did i do. D-dont hurt me. I will listen!" taehyung said when seongi pulled him after him holding the handcuffs. He clicked the handcuffs at the hook on the wall making taehyung unable to move from the spot.

"stay there and don't make a sound, if i find you did, there will be unpleasant consequences" seongi said with a glare and stomped off.

Taehyung bit his lip and stayed silent. His arms were very uncomfortable in this position. They were pinned up above his head it was a bit too high for him. But he couldn't change it, and just had to accept it.


"Jungkook here is a open window" Jimin said pointing at a window that was half opened. A guard standing behind it.

"can you kill the dude?"

Of course i can" jimin said and sneaked past the wall. He peeked quicky inside. Then grabbed a knife and jumped in front of the window throwing the knife through the opening into the man's eye.

The man screamed and fell down, jimin entered the house and took his knife back slicing the man's throat making sure he stays there forever.

"clear" he said to Jungkook outside and the raven also got in loading his gun.

"you find the documents i will look for taehyung" Jungkook said

He could hear the other outside by the gunshots and shouts. A nice distraction from everyone inside.

Jungkook ran out of the room to a new one. It was a living room. He looked around. No taehyung.


He barged in the second room and kicked a guard in his knees before he shot him.

"Tae?!" he shouted. But no response.


Taehyung was keeping quiet. He could hear gunshots making him scared. What if they were more bad people and will kill him.


Taehyungs eyes widen. It was Jungkooks voice.

He was here!

Taehyung opened his mouth to shoot back but he remembered he shouldn't make a sound. He bit his lips to not speak while he heard Jungkook shout again.

"Tae where are you?!"

"k-kookie...." taehyung whispered. He couldn't stay quiet. He wanted to be away from here.

Even if Jungkooks love may be not real, taehyung felt happy there. It's better than this. Jungkook treats him good.

"jungkook!" taehyung shouted. He then could hear running footsteps and the door burted open. jungkook ram inside looking left and right fast.

"whe-Taehyung!" jungkook saw the hybrid and rushed to him.

He lifted him up to get off the handcuffs over the hook.

"you will be okay now. I'm taking you home" jungkook said and taehyung nodded. He leaned into Jungkook's chest while the raven took off the handcuffs.


"yes?" jungkook noticed that taehyung didn't call him 'kookie' like he always did. But he shrugged it off for now.

"will you still-"

"jeon jungkook!" seongi ran inside his arm bloody while holding it. He must have been shot.


The second update!

Nothing very special since my last book was a whole happening. I will keep this a bit more..Simple?

Thank you for reading, see u at the next chapter!


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