10: date.2

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"can i have a cake!?" taehyung asked exited as he saw the colorful cakes behind the glass display.

"get whatever you like tae" jungkook said getting his bank card.

"i like this one" he pointed to a very colorful cake. Jungkook chuckled  expecting that choice.

"say it to the women" he said.

"o-oh okay" taehyungs ears turned a bit feeling nervous. But he looked uo at the women that was waiting for them to order what they wanted.

"did you make a choice?" she asked nicely.

"i-i would like the..." taehyung looked at the name of the cake. "u-unicorn cake"

"good choice, and for you sir?" she asked looking at jungkook. But jungkook shook his head not wanting anything.

"that will be €10 for a cake and water" she said and jungkook payed. Meanwhile taehyung was giggling as he looked at his cake.

 Meanwhile taehyung was giggling as he looked at his cake

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"come lets sit outside" jungkook said. Taehyung nodded while smelling the cake. He then licked the sprinkles  and his eyes widen. They were funny.

Taehyung sat down next to jungkook and quickly got his fork and began eating. He hummed at the sweet taste.

"ahh i love it!" he said happy and got some more.

But then he stopped, he got some on his fork and tapped jungkooks shoulder who was buisy looking somewhere else.

"here try it" taehyung said.

And jungkook just cant say no to those big blue eyes and smile.

He ate the piece of the fork and it was indeed a good taste.

"its good" he agreed and taehyung nodded.

"i know!"

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head at the hybrid.

"hurry up"

"dont rush me, im enjoying this cake" taehyung said and ate more slower that before.

"i will help you" jungkook said and snatched the plate.

"Hey Nooo thats mine!" taehyung said and pouted trying to get it back. But jungkook took a big bite from the cake almost half of it dissapeared on his mouth.

"hm nice" jungkook said ans gave it back to the hybrid who frowned looking at his now small cake.

"thats mean, its almost all gone"

"i know"

"mean kookie"

"i love you"

"i dont" taehyung said and stuffed his food while trying to be angry.

"ah that hurts" jungkook acred rubbing his palm over his heart.

"hmpf" taehyung didnt respond but he had to smile when he saw jungkook pout back at him.

"i saw you smile"

"no i didnt, im very mad"

"hmmmm what if i kissed you?"

"no" taehyung said and looked awaym but jungkook held taehyungs face and kissed him making taehyung smile.

"iash, stooop im trying to be angry"

"you look cute"

"why cant i be angry?"

"because you are so sweet and lovable" jungkook moved his fingers through taehyings hair lovingly.

"yes" taehyung agreed and giggled. "and i love you too"


Taehyung stood on the sidewalk while watching Jungkook get them some snacks.

On taehyungs request, he wanted to eat more.

He smiled happy as he stood in the shadow where it was cool.

Well that was untill someone walked up to him. Taehyung didnt really payed attention to it because peoppe walk and pass by more than once.

"well look at you" a man's voice said. Taehyung looked to his side seeing a familiar person. He cant remember his name, but he definetly saw him before.

And this person didnt look nice.

"suddenly cant speak?" the person asked lifting a brow. He reached out for taehyungs face but the hybrid stapped back, his ears pressed back agaisnt his head.

"k-kookie!" he shouted and ran towards his boyfriend who just payed for the snacks.

"woah there, what happend?" jungkook asked almost dropping the food. He placed it back in the counter seeing taehyungs ears pressed back scared.

"bad man is back" taehyung said.

Jungkook looked around. And soon his eyes caught a indeed very familiar face.

Wang seong-gi.

Jungkook groaned annoyed and his expression droppes cold. He gave taehyungs back a few rubs before walking away from him approaching Seon-gi

"why are you here?" jungkook asked.

"just walking, and you" seong-gi acted so fakely nice that it made jungkook annoyed.

"none of your business"

"so the hybrid is still with you i see" seong said. His nice act dropped a bit.

"yes and you are staying away from him" jungkook said. He then felt something tugg his shirt.

Jungkook looked back seeing taehyung peek from behind him while clutching jungkooks shirt.

"how much do i have to give you to sell him?"  seong asked looking at the hybrid that was hiding behind jungkook.

"he isnt for fucking sale"

"he is a hybrid Jeon, of course they are"

"fuck off. Leave us alone. Or next time i see you i will kill you." jungkook said with a frown and dropped his hand to let taehyung hold it.

Taehyung got very nervous and uncomfortable when people are talking angry or loud.

"hm, we will meet again" seong chuckled and gave one last look at the hybrid before walking away.

Jungkook sighed and shook his head. Then turned around looking at taehyungs who's ears went back up and his tail unwrapped from his leg.

"sorry he had to ruin our day" jungkook said.

"its okay, we are still okay. Look I can still kiss you to make it better" taehyung said and got on his tippie toes to peck jungkooks lips.

"you sure can" Jungkook smiled amd walked with him back to the food truck. They took the food they payed for earlier.


I published this later than i intended at first.

Hope you like it, thanks for reading see u at the next chapter!

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