11: gone

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"kookie?" taehyung called when he was done in the bathroom.


Taehyung pouted when he didnt get a response. Jungkook was going to wait for him. But where did he go now?

The hybrid fixed his socks and ooened the door walking into the bedroom.

"he said he was going to wait..." taehyung complained and walked out of the bedroom going downstairs.






Taehyung tried all kind of names. But he didnt got a single response. Thats when he began to feel worried.

He hurried to jungkooks office room and bursted through the door. But it was empty. The laptop was on but password was required.

"kookie where are you?!" taehyung shouted loud.

He checked the toilet the livingroom, in the front outside, the second bedroom. Everywhere.

Then he decided to call him.  He got his phone and oressed jungkooks number biting his lip.

But the call wasnt answered.

He tried again.

And again..

But no response
So he will leave a text,

Jungkookie, where are you, please respond...


He didnt feel comfortable anymore, and didnt know where his lover was. He checked the jackets seeing Jungkooks jacket was gone.

"outside?" he spoke to himself and hurried to the back slide door. He opened it and ran outside looking at the beach. There was only sand no one was ouside because the weather wasnt so nice today.

With his ears pressed back he ran down the stairs to the small side walk. He bagan running towards Jimin and Yoongi's house.

He looked inside their house and knocjed hastily on the back door.

It didnt took long for Jimin to hurry a litttle panicked into the room and see taehyung.

He quickly opened the door and ket the panicked hybrid inside who immediately looked around the house.

"tae whats wrong?" Jimin asked.

"k-kookie is gone. I cant find him!" taehyung askedm making it sound like he lost his teddy bear.

"what, he is gone?" Jimin asked and frowned.

"yes! He said he would wait when i showered. But he left!"

"did you call him?"

"he didnt pick up. I want him back Jiminie, im worried" taehyung lowered on the floor pulling his legs up. "he didnt say he was leaving.."

"hm maybe he just went to buy something, maybe a present?" Jimin said while looking at his phone.

"maybe..But why wont he pick up?" taehyung calmed down a bit and force himself to believe jungkook was just going to get something from the store.

"i dont know" Jimin sighed and texted yoongi. Well he spammed him with messages knowing he was sleeping upstairs.

"Jimin what the fuck!?" yoongi shouted from upstairs.

"get down!" jimin shouted back and sat down next to taehyung.

They heard a door upstairs close with a bang making taehyung flinch from the loud noise.

"what the hell?" yoongi said arriving downstairs. He was a bit suprised to see taehyung. The hybrid looked very worried with his frown and his ears back.

"Jungkook left without telling him so he is concerned. Did jungkook contact you?" jimin asked.

"uhh....No" yoongi said quickly checking his phone.

"hm, strange"


"this is bad this is bad" jungkook said as he hid behind a wall for cover. He could hear the footsteps come closer.

Jungkook releaded his gun and started running the other direction.

Hebhad gotten a message that he coukd pick up the cash from his partner who was waiting near the forest for him.

So he went to quickly get it and return home. But he didnt expect to get ambushed on the way.

"where are you Jeon!" a man shouted.

Jungkook behind a tree trying to find where the others were comming from.

Meanwhile the cut in his leg was bleeding leaving a shimmering trace on the leaves.

He got cut when he walked towards their meeting spot by a man that jumped from the bushes.

"there you are"

A bullet hit against the tree making jungkook flinch and quickly run away. He looked back seeing the last the men point his gun at him.

He quickly shot and hit the man's shoulder. He heard a scream and a gun shot.
The bullet just missed jungkook

"jesus, watch it" jungkook mumbled running back towards his car.
He searched his keys seeing his car in the distance.



Getting some action in this story mhmhmhmhmhm.


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