1: jeon's hybrid 2

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🍊(a juicy orange will be added once i proof read a chapter, clearing the mistakes etc.)

Jungkook and Taehyung had moved to a new home. the other group members moved out as well. but still they lived really close to eachother. taehyung thought it was super fun having his hyungs all together. but Jungkook couldnt care less.

Taehyung was living the best life he could ever imagine. he didnt mind that Jungkook cant just quit his job. Jungkook was more alert with everyone that they came across. and making sure that taehyung was safe at all times. the hybrid wanted to go with Jungkook and be there to see him work. sometimes jungkook let him follow around when he had a meeting. 

But when he meant real buisness. he of course didnt, not wanting to rist taehyungs safety at those times. he was doing a good job. 

"Taehyung love" Jungkook called as he looked in the fridge. He heard a soft tinkle of a bell in the distance comming closer. then soft pats of feet on the floor behind him.

"yes kookie?"  Taehyung said looking at the tall raven haired man. His white fluffy tail moving around freely.

"What do you want for dinner today?"

"hmm. I like pizza"  Taehyung said. jungkook chuckled.

"pick something else, he had that yesterday"

"oh. uhmm, Hamburgers!" taehyungs eyes widen picturing the food in his head.

"alright, i can do that" Jungkook closed the fridge, they had some meat so he can make his own hamburgers. and the rest was probably also home. he thought at least, jungkook was to lazy to check it at the moment.

"Yay!" Taehyung hopped back to the huge fishtank that was in the livingroom. 

As jungkook promised he bought a aquarium for the hybrid with lots of colorful fish inside.

"hello pretty fish" taehyung said looking at a blue one that passed near the glass. He pressed his nose against it to have eye contact with the small water creature. "taetae is also small, but you are tiny. Lets be friends"

He smiled watching the fish swim around.

"Tae will you help me cook?" jungkook asked from the kitchen. Immediately taehyung turned around looking at Jungkook. The hybrid nodded and walked back to the kitchen.

"you can cut the vegetables. I will do the meat" jungkook was making hamburger shapes of the raw meat and couldnt use his hands to touch anything else.

"i will make the best slices you have ever seen!" taehyung said grabbing the biggest knife

"Taehyung no, use a smaller one" jungkook was fast to notice and interupt that

"okay" taehyung said with a pout and grabbed the smaller knife. He began cutting the onions first.

"no im not sad its the onions" taehyung said before jungkook could joke about that.

"if you say so" jungkook said and washed his hands. He then was about to put the meat in the pan. But taehyungs eyes widen.

"nooo wait!" he said dropping the knife on the counter and ran a few meters away from the kichen.
"okay now"

"its not going to splatter that bad" jungkook chuckled and put in the meat. Seeing it barely spatter around like taehyung feared.

"that is what you said last time. I got hurt" taehyung said slowly walking back to continue in his tomatoes.

"i already said sorry about that"

"i forgave you kookie. But i dont trust it"

"hm arent you a big boy?" jungkook said with a grin.

"i am! I am big boy!" taehyung said a little panicked.

"im just joking"

"oh..." taehyung turned back to the vegetables. But shortly looked up again. "kookie?"


"can i have a kissie?"

"anytime" jungkook said and pulled taehyung closer. He lifted the hybrid's chin and kissed him.

Taehyung loved Jungkook a lot and needed affection and attention. He wanted lots of hugs and kisses from the other.

And jungkook happily gave it to him.

"now finish the bread and we can eat" jungkook said after he parted to not let his hamburgers burn.

Taehyung did as told with a big smile on his face feeling happy after the kiss.


The two had eaten and cleaned their dishes.

Jungkook was showering meanwhile taehyung was sitting in front of the big wall window. Having view on the sea.

Jungkook knew how much he liked the sea. So he bought one of the new homes at the seashore.

Only to have the other 5 of their friends buy the rest of the street.

Taehyung thought that was fun. He could visit his hyungs every day.

"oh a bird!" taehyung said seeing a seagull on their terrace.

His tail swayed exited as he looked the bird peck the seeds taehyung had spread on the terrace.

He was feing so happy in their new home. His life with jungkook was all he could ever wish for.

"baby tiger"

Taehyungs ear twitched and moved to the sound hearing Jungkook call for him.

He turned his head hearing footsteps near.

"im here kookie" he said.

"hm dont you want to come and sleep?"

"but...Seagull came" taehyung said pointing to the bird.

Jungkook chuckled and sat down behind taehyung pulling him between his legs to back hug him.

"when he leaves we go to bed okay"

"okay" taehyung said. But the seagull suddenly flew away making taehyung gasp. "nooo"

"okay off to bed"

"no he needs to come back, i like mr.Seagull"

"dont you like me?"



"its not 'like'. i love you." taehyung said smiling at jungkooks expression.

"aish you" Jungkook said and pushed taehyung back hovering over him. He began tickling taehyung making him laugh.

"ahaha-s-stop ahha"

Jungkook stopped but only to kiss his adorable hybrid. Feeling taehyung wrap his arms and legs around him.

"hm i love you too" jungkook said and smiled.


I did it. I started the second book yay! I enjoyed writing this so much. I missed the characters ಥ_ಥ

Cute baby taetae uwu

I have a lot of ongoing books now. So updates might be a bit slower than u are used to.

See u at the next update!

Thank you for reading, i hope you will all like this one as the first!

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