Lay Me Down Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

"What?" I questioned.

"I want us to be more than friends Lizzie" He said.

"Carter you barely know me. I mean...."

"Why won't you just give in and stop trying to fight it and make excuses" He said as we stopped by his car.

"Carter I'm not making excuses. I just.... I just can't do this Carter. " I told him

"And why not" he asked as he stepped closer to me.

"Carter can you just leave it alone?" I asked him.

"I don't want to" he said placing his hand on the middle of my back. He pressed against my back making me scoot closer to him.

"Carter don't" He lowered his head to mine and he pressed his lips against mine. What in the hell was he doing? I began to push him away, but he just grabbed my face and pushed me against the car kissing me more fiercely.  I began to kiss him back enjoying the moment. What the hell was happening? His lips moved against mine. I couldn't keep letting him do this? I couldn't do this. None of this should be happening. I shouldn't even be talking to him.  I shouldn't be letting him drive me home and I definitely shouldn't be kissing him right now. I pushed him away from me avoiding eye contact.

"Carter I think I'm going to walk home" I told him.

"Lizzie don't" he said but I was already walking away and faster than usual. He caught up with me and grabbed my arm.

"Lizzie  I'm sorry" He said. He sure was sorry a lot.

"It's okay Carter. I just need to walk alone. I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I broke away from his grasp and then turned to leave.

I had to do something about us. I couldn't let him just think that we would be something eventually because we weren't, we couldn't. It  just couldn't happen. I had to do something to give us some time apart. Maybe he would forget about me. Maybe I should just start ignoring him. It would be so hard because He was so nice and I didn't think I could be mean to him like I did before. I didn't know him before so it wasn't a problem. I sighed as I approached my house. I knew what I had to do because we couldn't go on like this. I couldn't keep going on like this.

 I sat in the classroom in my usual seat. The bell would be ringing soon and more students would began to file in. I sighed as I realized that soon I would have to face Carter and I was going to have to ignore him. That was the only feasible plan that I could think of.

I saw him walk in the classroom and I  shuffled around in my back pack pulling out a notebook, a pen and my math book. He sat down next to me.

"Hey" He said. I turned my head and opened my book to the page with the problems I needed to complete on it. I was being really immature but I couldn't think of anything else.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I began to work on the problems.

"Are you mad about the whole Tammy situation?" He asked I said nothing in return. I just continued to do my math problems.

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