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Kaden smirked. Smirked! Little bastard.

"Looks like you'll be spending a lot more time with me, buttercup. Isn't that just fitting for our little bet?"

He made it onto the team. 

I snorted, internally screaming, keeling over, and screaming some more. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. "Like spending time together is going to help you at all. I'll probably be running for the hills once this year is over..."

"Or running to me." He smirked.

As if.

I didn't look at him, ignoring his stare as I scanned the sign up sheets, "Then I'll help ease the heartache for you and tell you right now that you're never going to win this bet because I plan on getting my books." I turned towards him, grinning, "How nice of me."

"Arrogance will be your downfall." He smirked, turning towards the sheets, as he did his own little scan, "So will ignorance and denial."

"Then I can say the same to you too, Romeo."

"Didn't I tell you to come up with something more creative?"

I snorted, glancing at him at my side, "And didn't I tell you that 'buttercup' was far from creative."

"You have no idea how creative it is." Kaden smirked down at me, "I guess you'll just have to think hard and long about your nickname because I am not changing it. You'll just have to suck it up, buttercup." Oh god.

Why did he always have to do that? I internally groaned. Annoying, he was so annoying with all his secrets and mysterious façade. I swear, I was totally expecting him to wave a hand over his face and in a low voice say misdirection in some dramatic way.

There were a few new names on the sheet, but only a few. Dad was hard core when it came to new recruits. We had a lot of players already so the standards were raised even higher for those two or three spots dad was offering out.

"Are we drawing coins for captains or what?" Kaden asked, eyeing the list again like he was going over the few names he was going to fight over the captain title for.

I snorted, looking at him, "Why? You want to be captain too? You're a rookie, maybe not to the game, but to the team. There's no way my dad's ever going to let you be captain." Dad never let rookies be captain, so the chances that Kaden was going to get that spot was a big, fat, zero. Maybe a .01% chance.

"We'll see, coach." Kaden smirked as I backed out of the crowd of testosterone. Most of the guys around me grumbled and cursed at not getting the two or three available spots left. "I think I'll do just fine as captain."

"We'll see." I shot back, mimicking him, "And don't call me that either."

Just you wait, little boy. You ain't getting that captain's title. At least, I prayed that dad didn't prove me wrong with that 0.01% chance that Kaden actually got the spot. I mean sure the guy was an amazing player, but he was a rookie to the team! Some of the guys on the team had been dying and training hard for that spot!

The bell rang loudly, echoing through the hall as the crowd dispersed around the roster.

Kaden smirked, taking a few steps back and saluting me, "See you around, buttercup."

"Hmm. Not soon, hopefully." I narrowed my eyes, the corner of my lips tugging upwards.

Kaden jutted out his lower lip, pouting at me as he laid a hand over his broad chest, around the area where his heart beat, "You wound me sometimes baby, you really do."

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