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It was one of those days where the Sun was hidden under a blanket of clouds and it was so cold that if you blew out a breath, it would make its presence known with a milk-ish colored cloud in front of you.

The air was crisp, cold, and you could taste the scent of damp pine and autumn on your lips and tongue whenever you took a breath. You could feel the phantom drops of rain awaiting their time to fall in the puffy clouds above me.

I loved these sort of days. These were the best days to curl up in a cute little coffee shop and read a good book. These were the days my mom loved the most... She loved the rain just as much as I did. When I was younger, the two of us would always be out playing in the rain together, splashing in puddles or spinning under rainbow-colored umbrellas.

And even though it wasn't raining today, and she wasn't here to comment about the beautiful clouds above me, I still felt like I was closer to her than I had been in a while. It was nice...

Checking my phone again, I waited under a tree along the sidewalk on Main Street, waiting for a certain dorky bastard to hurry his butt up. I knew he was going to be a little late, but I wasn't expecting him to let me freeze my ass off either.

I was dressed in skinny jeans, a sweater, a coat on top of that, and even a freaking scarf wrapped tightly around my neck, half of my face practically buried in it, but I was still cold! Oh, and don't forget the cute little knit beanie I had on top of my head.

"This idiot," I muttered, stuffing my hands into my coat pockets. My fingers instinctively felt for the soft items in there and my cheeks went blazing.

Agh! How was I supposed to give this to him?! I couldn't just be like 'oh, yeah, I totally was thinking about you when I saw this so I want to give it to you'. That would be.... Oh god, that would be so embarrassing! What if he thought I had some weird crush on him now?! OH GOD! No, no, no! I couldn't do this...

Pulling the small little thing out of my pocket, it weighed so little in the palm of my hand as I inspected it.

Do I give it to him? What would he say? What would he think if I gave it to him?

"Hey, buttercup, sorry I'm late! Some dork was holding up a whole line of cars in town."

Quickly stuffing the thing into my pocket, I lifted my head and found Kaden standing right before me, looking... well, in the simplest terms, hot.

In a way, we were sort of twinning with his black jeans--though mine were blue--a sweatshirt and a coat on top of that. The wind had tousled his dark hair, dark strands falling onto his forehead. The cold had kissed both of his cheeks and nose, brightening the golden tan skin of those areas of skin to light pink.

When I was done being a pervert, I realized that Kaden was doing a once-over on me too. A smirk crawled onto his lips, "I was serious when I said you looked like a little marshmallow with all your cold-weather gear on." He teased, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"I do not look like a marshmallow!" I protested, a scowl written all over my face, my scarf covering my mouth and nose.

Kaden burst out laughing, reaching a hand out and adjusting the scarf around my face, "Sure, you don't," Leaning forward as he adjusted the scarf, he peeked into it at me, "You warm in there?" He grinned.

Heat shot from my cheeks to my ears, "Agh! Kaden! You're letting cold air in!" I whined, swatting his hands away and adjusting my scarf to my liking again.

"Sorry, sorry," He laughed, "Were you waiting long?"

"About ten minutes," I murmured, the two of us walking down the sidewalk towards the book shop. "I was talking to Isaac for a little while so the wait wasn't that bad, minus the cold."

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